Friday, November 6, 2015

AEDM - Day Seven

Hello again, welcome to Autumn. Can you believe that Halloween and Thanksgiving (for Canadians) is gone? Me either! I can't believe Thanksgiving (for the US) and Christmas is truly around the corner. Seriously, it was just September and kids were going back to school just yesterday. So we're already seven days into AEDM, life is zipping by at the speed of light.

The frightening thing is that I've already sent some Christmas presents out because when they go around the world they take FOREVER. Even worse, I sent them two weeks ago and I'm told they're STILL gonna be late! Time is so short.

I decided I better do an homage to Fall before everything is covered in SNOW!!! Maybe I should whisper that... snow. The only thing I like about winter is Christmas and the promise of a New Year. Everything covered in white fluff is pretty as long as you don't have to go out in it, lol. I'm hoping our precipitation stays liquid all winter. So, here's to a loooooong Autumn.
We'll talk later. Go make yourself a hot chocolate with marshmallows. I think you deserve it. :o)


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  1. your leaves are so perfect! this is my favorite much "eye candy" to enjoy and you've captured it beautifully.

  2. Uuuh, Jenn, I am so totally with you on your sentiments towards winter. It hasn't started yet and I am already wishing it to be over - hahaha.
    Your leaf paintings are really neat, love them.

  3. Autumn is my favourite season, and the leaves are beautiful.

    Have to disagree about winter though. I want snow for winter! rather than just getting colder rain :(

  4. Wonderful! You definitely captured the spirit of fall leaves!

  5. I apologize for being so late visiting, but I wasn't even on the computer today. First, I wanted to tell you I live in Kansas (in the US of course), not anywhere near the west coast. Not anywhere near ANY coast, in fact. Second, I was really impressed with your leaves. They look SO real. They are beautiful. Since I can't draw, I have to glue some I find on the ground to my pages (grin).

    Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

  6. I love your leaves. They look so realistic. What medium did you use? I love fall too, but I also love winter, and snow. :-)


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