Thursday, November 5, 2015

AEDM - Day Five & Six

It's another few days into AEDM and I'm madly painting away. I'm determined, after this intense month of Art Everyday, to have a habit that I take into the new year. I'm thinking of it as an early New Year's Resolution for 2016. Planning ahead always helps in these things.

It seems I'm rubbish about normally keeping an art habit. It's not that I don't have ideas to paint or even that I don't have time. I have an abundance of ideas, so many that I keep both a physical list on a piece of dedicated paper and also a folder of ideas on my computer. The computer folder is BULGING with ideas so you'd think, since I do have time to paint, that I'd PAINT. Huh, no clue what stops me in my tracks many times.

It's not even that I think I won't get the effect I want. I'm actually pretty confident in my skills. The course I took with Tracey Fletcher King really helped solidify my skills and her feedback boosted my confidence in my abilities to get what I wanted in my artwork. I'd highly recommend her art courses to all artists especially anyone struggling to improve their skills.

Anyway, I had this idea in the summer to do an ice-cream & popsicle page. I love how it turned out. As I said the other day, it reminds me of that Sesame Street song, "One of these things is not like the others, one of these things doesn't belong!"
Ice-cream & Popsicles
I'll be back soon with more art. Until then you might want to check out a previous post I wrote last week. It's about The Perfect Sketchbook, you might want to order one and you can learn all about the crowd funded project by reading my post. You'll find artists all over the net talking about this campaign, go to their actual site by clicking


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  1. HMMM! I clicked on CED and the AEDM post wasn't up. When it was, you had already posted. You must have a super fast computer!

    Your treats are making me hungry. How did you know I was craving ice cream? That soft serve cone looks good enough to lick. Pretty awesome.

    Now I'm off to check out the link to the perfect sketchbook, even though I don't sketch or draw.

  2. looking out my window there is not an ice-cream day. But I think I order one anyway :)
    Nice work.

  3. Yummy looking enough to want to eat! We all LOVE ice cream in my family. Really lovely painting.

  4. All the best to you as you work to get those ideas painted!


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