Monday, November 3, 2014

AEDM: Day Three

I did this painting of a ceramic piece of art we own that was created by my aunt, Katherine McLean. She's a fantastic and busy artist, she lives in Vancouver. I hope to some day be as good and as popular as she is. I find all her work so inspiring.

I'm thrilled at how this painting came out as it captures the spirit of the ceramic. The ceramic piece is a dimensional representation of a water pitcher, fruit bowl and flower vase, all done in very basic colors of yellow ochre, burnt sienna, ultramarine and alizarin crimson. 

This fulfills my homework for this week of SBS but I intend to continue to do more contour art as I'm so enjoying this week. This painting is being entered into Art everyday Month over on Leah's blog. If you want to join, just go and sign up and start making art everyday. You can link up through your flickr account too, you don't need a blog. See you there!


If you're looking for this week's APR just click here.
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