Tuesday, November 4, 2014

AEDM Day Four

Music system
(Click for Enlargement)
I didn't do any homework today, I just thought I'd play around with my pen and sketch something fun. I had seen many an artist sketch up their music so I thought I'd get it out and put it down in my moleskine. I was actually really lucky to get my green iPod nano. I had the first generation of nano for the LONGEST time. I liked it and why fix something that ain't broke, right? Weeeeeellllll. It seems there was a recall on the original nano, it tended to melt or blow up or some such. 

So, on almost the last day of trade in I contacted the powers that be at Apple and said that yes, in fact, I still had and original iPod Nano. Hmmm, they said. What's the serial number on it? I gave it. They informed me that indeed, my nano was on recall and replacement. They said they'd be sending me a newly refurbished first Gen Nano ASAP. Oh, ok then.

What arrived, you may ask? A puuurty lime green NEW nano, current generation at the time!! WOW. OK, lucky, right? It seems, the letter accompanying my little gem said, they ran out of first gen Nanos that were refurbished, would I be happy with this? YES! Holy Cow, cool, even my favorite color. I'm never lucky, but luck shone on me that day. Woohoo!

It's purrrty, isn't it? Yeeaaaa, I think so too. :o) This is for Art Everyday Month over on Leah's blog. Join in, it's not too late and it's a fun November project!

See you tomorrow or something.

If you're looking for this week's APR just click here.
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  1. Love it! Loving all your drawings! You have a great style.

  2. looks good, jenn, i love posts like this - every day life :)

  3. How lucky are you getting that fab replacement. I love your drawing and all of your SBS pics too.


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