Wednesday, November 19, 2014

AEDM Day Ninteen

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This is my final homework for Andrea Joseph's class in SBS. I absolutely loved the process of doing this drawing. I used a Faber-Castell Pit pen in sepia for the shading. Much of the other small details were done using Pentel Slicci micro point pens. I had all these gel-type pens that I'd really never used so now I have a whole new set of art materials to work with. I have to admit though, after four days without watercolors, I miss them. I can see myself working ballpoint drawings into my art now though.

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These are vintage magnets that have been sitting on my fridge, holding all my grocery lists and odd pieces of paper for years. I knew exactly what I wanted to do when Andrea told us that our homework was to do a collection drawing. I actually have several collection drawings that I want to do and now that this turned out better than expected, I'm looking forward to doing these other drawings. it's intensive work, this took me all day, almost twelve hours (minus time for lunch, dinner and bathroom breaks, that is). 

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I'll be putting this into AEDM on Leah's blog. I can't believe it's been nineteen days already. It gives me hope that I'll be able to complete the Brenda Swenson seventy-five day challenge of art everyday. Although, I've realized that I won't be strict about the rules of only black or blue pen. With Andrea's class using ballpoints and being without watercolors for almost a week, I realized there's NO WAY I could go seventy-five days without using color. 

Now, many would say that I should do a
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small piece of black and white art then do something with watercolor as a second piece if I want to. But, see, I make sloooooowwwww art. What may take many fifteen to twenty minutes, probably takes me over an hour so there's not much chance of fitting in several pieces a day, especially over Christmas. I think the point I'm taking from the challenge is to do art everyday for at least seventy-five days. I'll probably be doing many more days as my Moleskine Sketchbook has 104 pages. ;o)

Talk tomorrow? Yes? Great! ... now I gotta go stalk a cuppa before I die of caffeine denial.

If you're looking for this week's APR just click here.
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  1. This is a beautiful piece, and fitting that it is fitting that you would finish your class with it.

    I'm like you. Although I'm not really a painter, as a collagist, or sewer, it takes me a lot longer to finish a piece than it does most. I don't understand how people get so many things made in a single day, then spend half their time on the computer, too.

    Again, this is lovely.

  2. I thought this was wonderful. Love the subject matter too!


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