Thursday, November 20, 2014

AEDM Day Twenty

Quote by PICASSO
Quick post. I'll be doing a version of Brenda Swenson's seventy-five day Challenge starting the beginning of December. Yep, I'll be doing art everyday through Christmas for at least three months. I know that seventy-five days is less than three months but my new Moleskine sketchbook has 104 pages, soooo... You see where I'm going. I can't imagine not finishing the sketchbook. Since I've done AEDM for the past month (or I will have done when November ends), I'll have done art for about one hundred and thirty days after my new Moleskine is full. WOW, that's a lot of art. I'll definitely have a habit after all that time.

Here are the rules I'm gonna use. Brenda's rules are:
  1. NO pencil
  2. ONLY blue or black pen
  3. Draw EVERYDAY
  4. DRAW anything you want, just draw
  5. DON'T quit for 75 days
My rules will be:
  1. Use ANY media you want, including watercolors
  2. Draw EVERYDAY
  3. DRAW anything you want, just draw.
  4. LEARN to use less pencil (so by the end of one hundred days you can go pencil-free)
  5. DON'T quit for at least 75 days
  6. FINISH your new Moleskine sketchbook before you stop
So, the art above is the start of my new Moleskine for the Challenge. I'll be back in a few minutes with tomorrow's art. I have to finish it first, lol. ;o)

Talk very soon...

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1 comment:

  1. WOW!! I start challenges like this but rarely ever finish - I can't wait to see where your art takes you with this!


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