Wednesday, July 16, 2014

So Somebody Stole My Pencil...

I actually did my first pencil-free sketch. I'm kinda surprised, I must say. I'm wholly and lovingly attached to my trusty friend the pencil. When Danny Gregory over at Sketchbook Skool told us to grab our pens and go pencil-free I have to admit I laughed. Ya right, me? Without using a pencil first? When Hell freezes over buddy. I like my pencil, he makes me feel secure. I know I can erase mistakes, I can fudge the line and still make a great drawing. I can be unsure of myself.

That was the point both Danny and Koosje were making when they told us to put down our crutch. Using only a pen forces you to make a decision and be bold. If you're not bold you'll never make a mark and not get anything done. Interestingly, what happened is I thought I'd practice in my cheap Moleskine Cahier to see if I could accurately scratch out the gate that I wanted to draw. Really, I was testing out whether I could get the perspective right, I hadn't even thought about the fact I had a pen in my hand. I mean, it was just practice, right? 

(Click to Enlarge)
Then, holy heck balls (as Joy, my favorite blogging baker would say) I had a whole drawing IN PEN!! Hey, it's not my best work but then I didn't put a huge amount of time into it. I'm just pleased that the world didn't crack open because I didn't use a pencil first. ;o)

Oh, I almost forgot! Did you know that is having a 25% off sale on all their products until July 21st?? Ya, I got in and put some of my new art on a few postcards and ordered those suckers right quick! I also have a code that just might get you another 10% off so click here and give it a try if you want to put your art on puuurty stuff like postcards, greeting cards and business cards or stickers.

Talk to everyone later, K? I'm off to suffer in the heat here. It's something like a humidex of 32 º, God help us, I wish we had a pool. We're going through ice cubes like they're candy, hehehe. (I haven't even had a coffee for four days! Too hot, just too darn hot. *SIGH*) Hope you're cooler where you are!

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