Monday, July 14, 2014

But I'm Allergic To Blueberries!

Hi all. Back from another day of Sketchbook Skool. There are some amazing artists taking the "Beginnings" and "Seeing" courses that are running in tandem. As I sit here watching the final match-up between Germany & Argentina of the Beautiful Game I've been perusing both the Facebook page for Sketchbook Skool and the homework section of my second week in "Beginnings". Koosje Koene teaches this week and she's an expert at using pencil crayons and also she loves to get out and create Plein Air drawings in her sketchbook.
Koosje Koene's Illustrated Recipe
She's such a talented artist, for instance, she also teaches a class called "Draw It Like It's Hot!" where she shows how to illustrate recipes. I watched her video in the class and she produced the cutest little baby tomatoes. They looked good enough to eat, so she did, right after she finished drawing her subject. LOL. 

(Click to Enlarge)
I unfortunately couldn't do that. I decided I wanted to draw up a few blueberries. I mean, I've already done strawberries, oranges, apples, blackberries, limes and pears, lots of pears, lol. So, blueberries it was but I didn't get the satisfaction of eating my subject after slaving over the drawing. I hate being allergic to blueberries. I hadn't had any since I was young but a few years ago we got a big container of them and I gorged on them. Well, I wasn't over my allergy. Can you say hives? They were soooo good though, lol. Oh, and one of them tried to get away when I was drawing him.  I'm guessing he hadn't been informed that he was not gonna be eaten after he'd finished modeling. ;o)

(Click to Enlarge)
Since the blueberries were done using graphite which was the alternative homework assignment (in case students didn't have pencil crayons yet), I decided to get out my watercolor pencils and do the actual assignment, using color to create a drawing. I chose to sketch the LAMY Safari fountain pens I've been drooling over for a year. The drooling has become an obsession since starting the class, many artists swear by them to help improve their writing and creative lettering. Oh, and did I mention, they come in my favorite colors??

Anyway, I'm totally taking today off. No drawing. I'm gonna go bemoan the loss of Argentina to Germany by burying myself in a good book. Did I mention it's hot here? A humidex of 34 today. Could someone please turn down the sun? Puuuurty Please?????

Talk soon, more art guaranteed. (God I need an iced frapaccino!) :o)

If you're looking for this week's APR just click here.
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