Tuesday, November 27, 2012

AEDM - Day Twenty-Eight

Just a quick post for today, the twenty-eighth day of Art Every Day Month at CreativeEveryDay. A piece of art that I did is going to be doing double duty today. I'm submitting this piece for AEDM and it also is being shown in Dion Dior's series "When Artists Cook".

I'll admit that this piece was not done today but I can't show the painting I'm working hard on at the moment. You see, it's going to be part of someone's present. It wouldn't be prudent (or very smart, lol) to show any piece of the unfinished painting because even though my friend is thousands of miles away, somewhere sailing around in the Caribbean on a cruise ship, she still may see this post and I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.

Anyway, this piece is a zentangle take on being thankful, which was the theme for this month (November - Thanksgiving) at When Artists Cook. If you want to go read the entire post on Dion's site just click here. (there's a great recipe with the post too!!) 

  1. Family - I've been reminded this year just how fragile family can be as I get older. Loyalty is always a good thing.
  2. Friends - I'm incredibly lucky to have the extraordinary friends that I do. I just wish I lived closer to them. They're worth every effort to stay in touch, they are all beautiful people and I'm a lucky girl.
  3. Health - I work on this daily. This year I've seen some real strides toward where I want to be. Yay!
  4. Love - This is the most important thing. Love one another, it's good for you.
  5. Peace - I try to be kind to everyone, hoping that in kindness, as it stretches from person to person, there is always a glimmer of a truly peaceful world.
  6. Hope - With the bombardment of all the negative things I hear on television and the internet, I fight to remember to keep hope alive.
  7. Joy - I try everyday to increase it. Even if only to remember to smell the proverbial roses. 
  8. God - Although in a small bubble, not small in my life. Only something very personal, something I don't talk about in public. I feel no need to talk about my spirituality, it's between me and the Universe.
  9. You - My blog friends. I feel lucky to know you all and to share with you, back and forth, our love of art. It adds immensely to my daily happiness.
I'll be back tomorrow with more art and I'm also guaranteed to be covered in glitter with a big new delerious Christmas smile on my tired face. We're putting up the tree and decorating the whole house tomorrow!! Yippee, here I come all you tangled Christmas lights and glitter covered bows! hehehe. Yes, I am a Christmas-a-holic. I'll seek help in the New Year. ;o)


Just click here to go to this week's Artist's Play Room. To read about this week's theme, scroll down to the end of the post where you can also add your artwork.
I'm reading: AEDM - Day Twenty-EightTweet this Post


  1. Oh Jenn! this is fabulous!!! How you can create these intricate zentangles is way beyond me. I LOVE the design; you are one amazing lady Jenn, just like your art!
    HUGS! :)

  2. i love how this represents all the different pieces of your life interwoven with each other. very nice!

  3. A wonderful post and fantastic Zentangle! Lots to be thankful for ~ xo


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