Monday, November 26, 2012

AEDM - Day Twenty Seven

I finally finished my pink coneflower. I started this painting at the beginning of the month when I first started Art Every Day Month (I think it was shown around or about day nine or ten). I did the background first (left) and thought I'd get back to do the flower etc. in a few days. Well, that plan didn't happen and now we're nearly at the end of the month and the challenge and I'm trying to finish all the art I started at the beginning!

Coneflowers are my favorite flower because of their awesome petals and I now have to add that I'm also in love with their buds. They're so unique, with all their little, curly leaves that turn into beautiful, expressive pink petals. The greens in the leaves and stem are different than most leaves and grasses. They're grayed out with a touch of blueing. This was a fun one because I haven't done a coneflower since I started being bolder with shadows. I'm liking how it turned out. 

It's freezing here in Western Canada as we impatiently wait for the Christmas season to begin. I'm thinking that since it's been so rainy and cold and because we've been bored here for a week, just waiting for November to be over, that the boxes of decorations and the artificial tree are gonna make their way (all by themselves, lol) to our apartment. Hehehe. I know mom's feeling anxious to decorate. The other day she came home with scented pine cones so now the house smells like cinnamon and cloves! I'll admit that the sparkling and glittery tree up in the corner would seriously cheer me up. 

I'm feeling slightly ill lately, all my fault, really, but that's neither here nor there. For the past few days I've been having smoothies for breakfast and they use protein power. Now, see, we switched to Almond milk because I'm lactose intolerant. But stuuuupid me, I KEEP forgetting that the protein powder is made from whey (milk protein)!! I have to take a lactose pill with the damn drink and I've forgotten for three days in a row. I'm now paying the price. UUhh! I know, I know, all my fault, but that doesn't help now that I've got all those icky tummy troubles. It's not like my tummy cares why it's upset, it's just making it clear that I'm going to suffer for my stupidity for the next 24-48 hours. UUhh again!

But don't worry, I'll be fine, it's not like I haven't been this stupid many times before. :o)  I'm hoping that if I announce on Wednesday that our tree is up that you all won't think me crazy. I need a little pick me up, so sue me if a sparkly lighted tree makes me feel better. What's a couple more days of tree gloriousness between friends, right?? Hey, it's not like I put it up in August when some stores start advertising their Christmas stock!! Hehehe.

Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow to add yet another piece of art to AEDM, I'm determined to finish strong. If you'd like to see all the piece I've done so far, just click here and all my Art Every Day Month posts will come up, starting with this one.


Just click here to go to this week's Artist's Play Room. To read about this week's theme, scroll down to the end of the post where you can also add your artwork.
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  1. Just beautiful Jenn...I love your detail and realism. xx

  2. Love your coneflower. They're one of my favorites, too. Thanks for sharing some of your process as well. I love hearing how other artist's observe and think. happy AEDM!

  3. I love your style... Particularly on your flowers. They always have such a great, loose, whimsical feel to them!

  4. Seriously very cool! The colors are great, the shading and movement of color in the background is great, the drawing is great....just a FAB piece of art all around. Sorry you're not feeling well - hope you rebound quickly!

  5. Your paintings are so lovely and the flowers look so vibrantly real:)

  6. hope it takes a bit less than a couple of days and that you start to feel better... sure an injection of sparkle and decorations will make it all happen much quicker...xx

  7. I know people who put the tree up right after Thanksgiving--LOL! And if you want outdoor lights in this climate you usually have to put them up before that if you don't want to freeze your fingers. Hey! Christmas lovers can do what they want. A little blinking sparkle is just what you need in a grey winter. ;)

    Love the coneflower! The background is compelling, too.

    Hope you feel back to rights soon. Our bodies won't put up with us being neglectful or they let us know it.

    I hope you are stringing lights and hanging ornaments as we speak. ;)

  8. I love your coneflower - I like the background and I am inspired to be bolder with shadow - even if I overdo for a while. Hope you feel better - the tree lights will at least help your apartment to feel brighter.


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