Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pay It Forward...

I'm participating in a swap on Swap-Bot. In this swap one of the suggestions is to host a networking blog post to show everyone the blogs that are participating in the swap. Hopefully all the collected readers of each participant's blog will find a gem or two in the blogroll that they'll want to continue following. I thought this was a great idea so I'm going to do my first annual "Pay It Forward Network Blog Post". :o) I thought I'd include a list of the blogs I visit and enjoy and some of the resource links I use on a regular basis along with a list of all the participants of the swap I'm in.

This is the list of blogs from my Swap-Bot group blog swap. Maybe you'll find a Gem you like!
  1. Watercolors by Mimi Torchia Boothby - She does beautiful work!
  2. Olivia Arrow's Blog - Olivia has such a wonderful way of writing, she's also talented in a myriad of things. Go enjoy her lovely blog please, her art is wonderful. I always especially love artists.
  3. Our Host's Blog! - Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful swap!!
  4. Sugar Crawler - She has a wonderfully happy blog "voice" and her zest for both cake and life is infectious. Please be warned though, you'll want cake before you leave her site!! :o)
  5. In Search Of Exceedingly Good Baked Goods - A great food blog, yummy!!
  6. Crafty Carrie - She makes happy little stuffies to trade, they're so cute!
  7. Careless In The Care Of God - April is doing a 101 things in 1001 days, what a challenge!
  8. In The Attic - Her blog is sweet and enjoyable.
  9. I Don't Care If Monday's Blue - Celine is fun, go read her ramblings about life.
  10. Ms. Lovender - Follow a pictorial of this 20 something's life.
  11. Kelly's Place - This is what Kelly Lynn says about her blog... "This is my place (Kelly's Place) to talk about my projects and inspirations. A record of ideas and pictures of all the fun things and adventures I have!! :)"  Kelly is a pleasure to read and a terrific crafter! Go look.
  12. Faith, Hope, Love - a personal blog giving us a glimpse of her inner turmoil.
  13. Peacefully Chaotic - Such a fun lady who writes about everything in her life, from crafts to music.
  14. Give Time Or Money - a blog dedicated to bringing you easily accessible ideas about how to give and help more. Wow, I'm so impressed with this one. Extraordinary. 
Here are the blogs I visit regularly. They're fun, entertaining, amazing and easy to read. I admit a few of them haven't updated in a while but I hold out hope as their previous stuff is so awesome. Maybe if we all cross our fingers... ;o)
  1. Hyperbole And A Half
  2. Joy The Baker
  3. Kimminita
  4. Star, Simplified
  5. Flutter
  6. You've Got To Be Kidding Me.
  7. Pen & Paper
  8. Pearl, Why You Little...
  9. Flying Saucer Jones
  10. The Wheel Is Turning, But The Hamster Is Dead
  11. The Rotten Fish Of The Sea
  12. 365 Days Of People
This is my list of artist's blogs that I especially enjoy... They all make beautiful art.
  1. Shirley Schmidt at Watercolors by Shirley
  2. Sinclair Stratton at Sinclair Stratton 
  3. Annelein Beukenkam at Watercolors
  4. Mitsy at Artmind Etcetera
  5. Elizabeth Chapman at Color Splashes 
  6. Ben Heine at Ben Heine
  7. Ginette Callaway at Ginette Fine Art 
  8. Thaneeya McArdle at Thaneeya McArdle
  9. Anne-Lockard Huskey at El Milagro Studio
  10. Joan McKasson at Joan McKasson Watercolor Artist
  11. Alisa at Alisa Paints
  12. Carolee Clark at Carolee S. Clark
  13. Chris Beck at I'm Painting As Fast As I Can
  14. Showcasing many talented artists at Brush, Paper, Water.
Here's a list of all the useful places I've found on my journeys through the web. 
  1. Check the load time of your blog here.
  2. Add a border to any digital picture here.
  3. Find a definition or I use it to find a better word for what I want to say... go here.
  4. Go here for a laugh. ;o)
  5. Go here to participate in a world wide book hunt, for free! So Cool!
  6. Make a mosaic here. (share your mosaic every Tuesday with Mitzy at Artmind)
  7. Get a stat counter here. It can even be invisible on your blog!
  8. Participate in both online and snailmail swaps here. (I'm Jaemac on Swap-Bot, btw. :o)
  9. Go here to learn how to put several pictures in a row in a blog post if you use Blogger.
  10. Enter to win stuff here. How lucky are you?
  11. Get a grade (from A to F) for your blog, just go here and put in your site name.
  12. Go here and get this app for free, it allows you to capture anything you want to off the web!
  13. Try this game, it's totally addicting and you even learn & keep your mind active too.
  14. Go here, learn how to bid on an auction and win stuff for amazing prices, for serious!!
    Ok, that's everything I have. Whew! I hope you all enjoy the exploration. I would love it if any of you want to leave fun, interesting, useful or entertaining links for me in the comments. You can even leave your own blog! I'd be interested in visiting you all. I love new links to follow, especially interesting and useful, fun to read stuff. I hope the links above are that kind of good. So, grab your mouse and get clicking!

    I hope to hear from you all soon. :o)

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