Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Color Is My Day-Long Obsession, Joy & Torment

It's Tuesday Mosaic day with Artmind. I have noticed, as I do these Flickr favorites mosaics, how attracted and excited I am by color. It really stimulates my mind and energizes my thoughts. It makes me itchy to make something. It amazes me how color, in the eye of the beholder, leads to creation. That's what my mosaic is about this week.

1. You see me better than I am, she said and I'm worried what'll happen when your vision changes..., 2. Teal peel, 3. Against the Colors, 4. Colourful inchies

By the way, the title of this blog post is a quote from Claude Monet. It seemed eminently appropriate. :o)

I'll be back soon with something or other colorful, I'm sure.
Talk soon? Yuppez!
I'm reading: Color Is My Day-Long Obsession, Joy & TormentTweet this Post


  1. Colors do things to your mind that you can't prevent! It's great! :)

  2. Hi Jen, Just stopped by to see what was happening here. I really like this collection, especially the color around the eye. It all makes for a nice collage....clever idea.



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