Wednesday, June 9, 2010

St. Joseph's School Of Nursing

Fourty-five years ago this week my mom graduated from St. Joseph's School of Nursing. She looked so stunning in her white cap and navy blue cape with red lining (I saw the pictures). She chose obstetrics as her specialty. She said that it was always changing, obstetrics was never just routine and most everyone there was happy and left the hospital in a day or two with a bundle of joy. She really enjoyed her time as a nurse but "retired" when she had me, in that same hospital. Let me say, I was the MOST spoiled baby in the entire world for the few months I was in the hospital (I was very premature so I spent a couple of months being carried around by all my mom's nursing friends). Mom said that when she finally got to take me home I was so spoiled that I drove her crazy!! I would cry every time she put me down. I think I owe her one. ;o)

This week I'm doing the celebration cake for their 45th Anniversary Reunion. The reunion is a three day event that started on Monday with a meet & greet. Tonight mom's at the University Club (my alma mater) for the official dinner, then tomorrow there will be a luncheon where my cake will be the dessert. I also did the card that's shown in the picture. Inside is the above photo of their graduation. It's really satisfying to be able to help.

Mom just got home from the Dinner, she says she had a wonderful time. I'm so happy for her. It must be cool to have history with a group of such stand up women. I love nurses, mine especially. :o) For all those scraped knee fixes, kissed & disinfected booboos and that steadfast attitude when the bee stung me? Thanks mom.

Don't miss me too much, blink and I'll be back with a painting. Ya, ya! Promises, promises! :o)

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  1. What a wonderful tribute to your mom and nurses in general. You can tell you are so proud of your mom and I'm sure she must be so very proud to have such a talented daughter - that cake is beautiul beyond belief.

  2. So sweet! I'm in love with those old fashioned little nurses caps and uniforms. So regal! Congratulations to your mom and her school chums.

  3. Awww. That's a lovely cake and a lovely post :)

  4. Hi Jenn, Thanks so much for these lovely words. The cake was delicious! AND it was gorgeous too!
    I am one of your Mum's classmates, and yes it really is amazing that we can all have such a great time when we get together. We all have had very different lives, yet we have the bond of living 'on-top-of-each other' for 3 years in our late teens,early twenties to hold us together, no matter what! Sincerely, Diana Denny


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