Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Inner Aspects

It's Tuesday Mosaic with Artmind. I'm a little late this Tuesday, just under the wire, lol. This week Mitsy has given us a theme for our mosaic. She decided to shake things up a bit and do a theme week for the first Tuesday of every month. Our first theme is about emptiness & loneliness. Here's what she said about this week's theme...
"A bit gloomy, scary and sad perhaps but I think it also has a very beautiful aspect. When you feel empty or lonely, you are forced to deal with it somehow. It reflects on your whole being and it will make you stronger and more concious then anything else."

I think it's interesting that Mitsy chose this theme, I've been trying to work through just those types of feelings in the last few weeks. I'm not lonely per say, but the empty feeling that comes with also being uncertain about the future has been plaguing me lately.

I'll be back with paintings soon. :o)
I'm reading: Inner AspectsTweet this Post


  1. Very sad and dramatic but gorgeous too!

  2. That 1st pictures was chosen by someone else too. I think it's a fab picture and the title says it all too. It is difficult to face uncertainty & yes, it leads to emptiness and numbness I think. The paralyzing effect that it can have on a person can be scary but I like to trust on the fact that things will work out somehow when I feel this way. Hope that's a comfort.

  3. I know how you feel! There's a lot of uncertainty in my life too.

  4. All are stunning. My favourite though has to be Numb, you have really captured how numb would look if given a face.

    Sorry to read of how uncertain you feel at present. An awful feeling, I hope the way soons becomes clear. x


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