Thursday, April 29, 2010

Not Dead, Just Lazy.

Sorry I've been more absent than not for the past few weeks. Yes, I will be kicking my own ass ASAP. :o) I do, however have a piece of artwork to show, to make up for my absence. My Copic markers arrived too!! (We'll get to that in another post, though.)

The watercolor painting is of a lotus flower. I used a micro-fine nib and frisket to make all the lines that would stay light. It's called, appropriately enough, Lotus.

The next one is drawn out and ready for color, probably going to take all day tomorrow. I've started to paint larger pieces. The one ready to paint is a full sheet of Arches paper and the one above is half a sheet. At some point soon I'm gonna finally go to the full extra large sheets (unbinded) that are like 22 x 30 inches. I've got three or four sheets of the 140 lb and one sheet of the 300 lb cold pressed paper. My hesitation is muddled up in the ideas of wastage, being good enough to use the good stuff and permission to try. *sigh* ...always with the psychological work. I get sick of the struggle.

Truth be told, though, I did do a terrible piece this week. I tried an abstract. I liked it when it was still wet but hated it when it dried. I haven't given up on it but it has made me rethink my timeline. I'm going to wait and try abstracts again in another few months (at least). I think one tends to surmise that abstracts would be easier than painting an actual thing. Nope. Not so. It's actually harder. It's hard to give balance and structure, to allow for both negative and positive space etc. when there isn't a true subject. I need more seasoning as a watercolor artist to be able to do all those things without a subject in mind.

Anyhoo, I'm outa' here. I'm going to make friends with my pillow, we haven't been getting along well lately. ;o)  We'll talk soon, I mean it this time!

I'm reading: Not Dead, Just Lazy.Tweet this Post


  1. That's pretty! Just looked at your other drawings, they're all great!

    (DanielleJess Swap-Bot)

  2. been browisng your blog a bit and I must say you have talent!

    fii - swapbot

  3. That is beautiful!!! I wish I could draw better. Gorgeous!!


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