Thursday, April 1, 2010

And The Winner Is...

When I was given my first Blog Award by Kim at Kimminita, I was overjoyed. I then bumped my preverbal nose against one of the conditions of the award. I would be required to give the award away. Hmmm, I now had to find bloggers who I truly enjoyed and that I thought had a good "voice" on the web. I took this quest very seriously. I wanted to pick recipients who had a truly wonderful blog but also, in my head, I thought I also wanted them to "need" the award as much as I did when I was graced with it. When I got the award I only had maybe a dozen followers and I wasn't sure what everyone thought about my blog. I truly appreciated the encouragement that the Blogger Award represented.

Now, don't get me wrong. I can think of many terrific blogs. Just off the top of my head are four that I check daily and read hungrily when their authors post new content.
  1. Hyperbole and a Half
  2. Joy The Baker
  3. Pen & Paper 
  4. Kimminita
The problem is that each of them already have many awards. They all have ardent followers and a plethora of comments that praise their wonderfulness. I want to give this award to someone who has:
  • a terrific, easy to read blog.
  • a great internet "voice" that makes reading him/her fun and interesting.
  • a "way" that makes me smile when I read them.
  • may not have as many followers as they deserve.
  • doesn't seem to have any awards and therefore needs one to recognize their AWESOMENESS!
So, I have chosen my first recipient. :o)  I really love this woman's style. When I first read her blog a few months ago, (I was in an internet follower swap), her blog was one of the best I read. She was interesting, funny, irreverent and just plain cool. When I received my award and learned that I'd be giving it away to 7 bloggers, her blog is the first one I thought about. Life then intervened and later I couldn't remember which blog name was hers (My follow list is ridiculously long, btw). Every few days I'd think of "the blog that got away", knowing that I should have stuck her into my Save This folder where I keep the blogs I read. I was very lucky when she commented on a post and I found her again!

Squirrel Alert! (please go here, read "fun filled fact about Jenn #7 for explanation.)
Oh, totally off topic, but it must be said... Kristen, I covet your studio. There, I confessed. I feel much better now. Envy is a sin, ya know. Hehehe ;o)

And Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Without further ado, please meet my first "Beautiful Blogger Award" winner! (drumroll for Kristen!)
(To grab your Award Kristen, just click on it then copy/paste the URL into your sidebar)

Recipient: Kristen
Beautiful Blog:

Rules: There aren't many besides thanking the person who gave you the award and adding a link to them. The first requirement is that we want to hear about 7 interesting things about YOU. Second, you get to choose 7 people who you think deserve this award.

Link to Kim's (gave me my award) Beautiful Blogger Award Post.
Link to My Beautiful Blogger Award Post.

I hope this award has you feeling just as I did when Kim gave it to me, Awesome. :o)  (I can't wait to read the 7 things about Kristen!)

And, everyone?? Go check out Kristen's fantastic blog, follow her or make a comment and tell her she's great because she's really talented and she totally rocks.

Talk later? Ok, good.
I'm reading: And The Winner Is...Tweet this Post


  1. Congratulations on the award and thank you for following my blog!
    -Maria Isabel

  2. What's all this? Jenn you are such a peach! I am going to get working on my 7 things right away! <3

  3. congratulations on your award!

    stop by and say hello when you get a chance...

    lolasgir from swapbot

    following you! please follow me?

  4. You're really sweet, you know. I checked out hyperbole and a half and laughed my ass off... So hilarious.

    SaraswatiChB for swap-bot

  5. A well deserved award - congratulations.
    High praise for my blog indeed - I'm actually blushing.
    Always nice to get but I mainly like these awards because they are a great way of finding new blogs. I shall certainly be visiting the ones you mention over the next few days.

  6. What a heart warming post. Thank you! And good choice for a winner!

  7. It is nice, that you really think about who to give the award. Some people just give it away to people who have a lot awards or so. And you really thought about. Nice thing.

    Fabi (BubbLeGumGirLie for Comments on Craft/Design Blogs)

  8. Hey :)!

    Just saw your question on my blog ;)!
    I bought this:
    For helping me making envelopes. It is clear and you can put it on the pic to see if it matches like you want it to be :)! I love it.


  9. Congratulations Jen and nice choice on Beautifulordinary. She has a lovely blog.

  10. Hey Jenn, you spoke of wanting to "shrink you." Don't we all. I weigh 123 pounds now. Of course, I'm only 5'2" which helps, but just wanted to share how I did that. I used to be much heavier and even a couple pounds on a shortie adds up fast.
    Check out and when you get there look for "The Lord's Table" program. I guarantee you will learn alot about how you interact with food. It's not a diet per se. Blessings. Coleen

  11. congrats for winning the award!

    I have a wee tip, i read in another blog post that blogger confused you! I think you have too much in the one sidebar. If you use you can get three columns and split them up. you can also choose your own backgrounds and link colours etc!
    I hope that helps :) Thanks for all the lovely comments on my blog
    CDOnovan - swapbot

  12. Congratulations on your award! Well deserved. I'm sure it will mean so much to the blogs you are awarding that you've put so much thought into passing it along!



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