Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Love My Mailman!

OOOh, look what I got in the mail today!! I was in a Doodle Postcard Swap and the theme was a word beginning with "F". Fiona, my swap partner, did a fish. :o) Isn't he cute? Getting mail is always a thrill, especially these days when everything is email. Her postcard is so nice that I've joined the next letter, "G". Maybe I'll be lucky and get her again as a partner. *Jenn crosses fingers, toes and eyes.* Ok, enough silliness, let me show you Fiona's art. :o)

Thank you, Fiona, for a wonderful postcard, it's the nicest thing I've received from a swap and I look forward to continuing to swap privately with you! A pen pal allows one to create small pieces of art and know there is someone who will love to get it. Give it a few weeks then I think you have full recourse to start accosting your mail carrier, telling them to "cough up the postcard!". 

Now, I have to go and think up something fun and interesting to paint on a 5x7 piece of 140lb paper! I love that I feel challenged because my new pen pal is also an artist. This is gonna be great, I feel so inspired to create something unexpected!

We'll talk soon, I'm always good for a few words, right? Yep.

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  1. It looks so cool the way you've displayed it! How did your partner get the scale and everything so perfect from front to back?? Wow!

  2. That is a lovely postcard! You were pretty lucky to get such an awesome swap partner.

    APlusAmigurumi from

  3. hi come to visit you. ;-)
    lovely postcard!
    agnes from swap-bot.
    i've followed your blog.

  4. THAT'S a DOODLE? That's a fully fledged pretty design art piece. Nice one.

    SaraswatiChB for swap-bot

  5. Wow, I love the postcard. Looks really creative. :)

    Fabi (BubbLeGumGirLie for Comments on Craft/Design Blogs)

  6. Amazing, what a fun swap and seems like you had a wonderful partner. Fun mail is the best of all.

    j3ss1ca (SB)

  7. i love postcard swaps! Im going to have to get involved with some more!

  8. What a beautifull cart!

    Me to I always feel like a child when a receive a package.

  9. I love when my mailman brings me things like that too. LOVELY!

  10. SO pretty and whimsical! I would love to have a full sized painting of that!


  11. What a fantastic postcard! I have yet to do anything like that quite yet but your really making me look forward to it! :D


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