Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Colorful Tuesday

Today is Mosaic Tuesday with Artmind. I used flickr this week to let my unconscious talk to me. All this last week I've found myself inspired by color. I'm still hoping and waiting for Spring and the warmth of Summer on it's doorstep so I guess a colorful floral profusion is in the back of my imagination. So, that's what I asked for, pictures that were tagged by their authors as "color". After I had picked the 6 photos that attracted me the most, I was surprised to see the other theme in my mosaic.

Every picture I chose is made up of circles, so curving color is somehow fascinating me lately. I love curves, they're so beautiful with their smoothness. Circles evoke feelings of containment and continuousness to me. The protective feeling of warmth that encircles me when I'm cuddled under a warm blanket, trying to ward off the coolness of the evening comes to mind. Or the continuous change of the seasons every year or watching time march around the clock. The beauty of a curve, it pleases me.

I'll be painting all this week as I finish some swaps I'm in with Swap-bot partners and continue on the watercolor journey of learning. We'll talk soon, I'm sure. :o)

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  1. Such a bright and cheery mosaic that you have chosen to share :) I am still waiting for spring to. We have had some wicked wind & rain storms lately and I would love to see more sunshine :) Have a lovely week and enjoy all those circles!

  2. I love colors and round shapes so love your mosaic! :)

  3. yay COLOR! Wooo hoo! Color gets me a little excited. =D

  4. WOuw, super collection!! I love curls too!

  5. Lovely mix, bright colours and circles!

  6. Amazing mosaic! Full of gorgeous colors!

  7. Very 60's inspired I think. I especially like The Path, my eyes went straight to it. Pure Abstract reminds me, somehow or other. of a lava lamp.

    I'm having a 1st blogoversary book giveaway over at my blog, if you'd like to enter. Hard to believe I've been going for almost a year and thanks to blogs such as yours have enjoyed just about every minute of it.

  8. love the colors and "flowiness" of those pictures.

    I just realized I don't think I ever let you know I got your postcard "Autumn Gradient". I love it so much that I'm planning to frame it and hang it on my wall. :) Thank you!

  9. I have to agree with your opinion on circles. Roundness. :)

    I love the last picture. Colorful Circles.

  10. love the pics you chose... they all look great together... the curves/circles are wonderful and the colors amazing
    collagecafe04 from swapbot


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