Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Do You Need A Facelift?

I do. But not the kind you're probably thinking of. I take my facelifting examples from Sunflowers. They happily lift their bright yellow faces toward the sun to soak up all that warmth. That's what I need, some warm rays of summer sun on my face. When my close friend requested a painting of a sunflower, I scooted to the computer to look up some photographs. I also discovered some beautiful painted examples of these happy flowers. So, I decided they would be the perfect subject for my Tuesday Mosaic with Artmind.

(moving clockwise...)
  1. "Abstract Modern Sunflower", Watercolor, Ginette Callaway (purchase print)
  2. "Sunflowers", watercolor, Marilyn Ventresca DiChiara
  3. "Good Mornin", Acrylic on Linen Board, L. Diane Johnson
  4. "Farmer's Market Sunflowers 2", Watercolor, Sally Probasco
I remember when we lived in Saskatoon, seeing many a crop of sunflowers standing at attention and swaying with the breeze, their faces  upturned, following the sun. They heralded summer so well. The sight of them always made me smile.

Gosh, these lovely flowers, with their seeded heads and bright yellow petals, make me yearn for SUMMERTIME. It probably doesn't help that Victoria seems unusually cold for this time of year. I'm sitting here with our new (this winter) little space heater pointed at my feet, hoping to warm up before having to crawl into a cold bed. I think I need to find a boyfriend or a dog. :o)

That's it for tonight, I'm off to that chilly bed. Enjoy your happy slumber and the rest of the week! We'll talk again before the weekend, K? 

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  1. I'm a ig fan for sunflowers too and love driving through France and see all the sunflower fields in full glory. Lovely summer inspiration.

  2. This a wonderfully inspirational mosaic. Yes, roll on summer and all it's beautiful flowers, I can't wait. Thanks for the boost oOo x

  3. Really cute.

    Fabi (BubbLeGumGirLie for Comments on Craft/Design Blogs)

  4. love sunflowers the best,love glendas sb


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