Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hopelessly Devoted To You...

Yes I am. I love you, the way you make me feel. How you make me feel happy and fulfilled, no matter what the circumstances. Yep. It's hopeless. I'm sunk. I'm lost without you. Good thing you're always there, even when I tell you to go away. That I'm too busy for you. I can't resist. I need you. Seriously, you're my drug. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. :o)

Is it weird to write a Love Letter to my Creativity? Of course it is, but I don't care, I'm addicted. I couldn't even stay away 24 hours. Tonight I found myself joining a swap on Swap-Bot just so I had an "excuse" to make some art. I even fit in some web surfing yesterday, looking at other people's art. I am pathetic, aren't I? Yes. I think I need a 12 step program for  serial artists.

I did come across a cool new trend, though. Something called a Zentangle is becoming a popular new art form. It's actually an old art form brought into the 21st century. A Zentangle is a doodle. The actual Zentangle has some simple rules to help the newbie figure out how to make one, but in reality, it's just a meditation in doodling. What the creator of the Zentangle Kit realized was that doodling had the same effect on the body and mind as meditation. It took one out of the stress of life and let one get lost in the minutia of creating. It just requires a good black pen and a piece of paper. The kit uses 3.5x3.5 inch pieces of good quality paper (I'm guessing it's probably 90 or 140 lb hot pressed paper) and a few different black archival ink pens in different thicknesses. In the kit there are also 12 reference patterns that you can use to doodle.

Obviously the experienced artist doesn't need the rules to help them create a doodle. I do like the size restriction, though. I think it makes for a beautiful piece of art if one combines 9 related squares, like these. (click to see the detail)

What I did was combine the new swap I joined and a Zentangle. The swap was to make a postcard using a word starting with the letter F. I chose the word "Flutter". My doodle was done on a 5x7 piece of 140lb watercolor paper (it's supposed to be a postcard, hence the size).

So, there it is, my first Zendoodle. Since the swap partners aren't assigned yet, I feel safe posting this. Sneaky, I know. He/she, prolly won't go perusing my blog and by that time this will be safely burried in a bunch of other posts. 

I guess this means I'm hopelessly addicted to the Creative Process. I can't even go a day, now, without painting/drawing something. Oh well, I'll just have to sleep less. Maybe I'll get a love letter from my pillow... "Jenn, come back to me, I miiiiiissssss youuuuuuu!!" Hehehe. I think I need some sleep, I'm going a bit batty. 

But before I go... On the topic of sleep, counting sheep comes to mind. :o) Rachel Maddow was giving some info on this St. Patrick's Day about Ireland. She seriously makes me laugh every time I watch her. She said that there are actually more sheep than people in Ireland but they are having trouble getting the exact count of sheep, since every time someone starts counting them they fall asleep. :o)

I'm off to find a herd... "Hey, buddy? Ya know where I can get a small herd of sheep?"
Hehehe. Night, you. 

Obviously we'll talk later, 'cause I can't stay away!!

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  1. Oh your zentangles are beautiful! I love the butterfly idea.

    Since I am working on writing a zentangle workshop for my course members, I hope you don't mind me keeping the butterfly in mind?

  2. My boyfriend's mom introduced me to the Zentangle and I love it! I tried making one and then embroidering, yeah, that one's still a work in progress. ;)

  3. teehee, great post!
    i got your postcard in the mail today ~ it's beautiful! thanks so much for taking the time to make a postcard that seemed most like me! :)
    i'll have one on its way to you soon.


  4. Love it so much!!!!!
    agnes from swap-bot (Comment on Craft/design Blog swap)

  5. Jen, you have a fun blog. I'm into zentangles too. Getting ready to swap them at Yahoo Mini-books Group. And those cakes, wow!
    I'm commenting for S-W, Comment on Design/craft blogs. Beyond that, I've hearted your Etsy shop. I know it's not up yet, but you want hearts once it is. And I'm following. Would you follow my blog?
    Thanks, Coleen Franks

  6. I love your love letter to your creativity. :)

    j3ss1ca (SB)

  7. wow... that postcard was your FIRST zentangle.. that's insane... gorgeous.... love your talent and your style!
    collagecafe04 from swapbot


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