Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Self Portrait Mosaic

This week Mitsy at Artmind challenged her readers to make a mosaic that expressed who they were. Making a self portrait using pictures is quite a difficult endeavor, as I have discovered this week. It took me all week just to come up with an idea of how to come at this. A loved one suggested that I think of words to express who I was then put pictures to the words. She's a smart one, that. (Thanks Mom.) 

So I'll go through the list of words and ideas that I came up with to describe myself and relate them to the photos. (starting at the center then upper left, working in rows across)
  1. I am essentially a combination of high distractibility (Oh look, a Squirrel!), curiosity about the Universe around me, wide eyed wonder at said Universe and dealing with the fear of failure etc. (I try to confront the things that I fear, even though I'm... well, afraid. :o)
  2. I Luuuurrrrve Rain. Period. Exclamation point. Rain through the trees, shining in the sunlight is bliss, total, absolute bliss. My happiness is grounded in nature.
  3. The stairs represent complexity. I always say "I'm not mysterious, just complicated."
  4. I'm also all about the Love. I use compassion as my first option. Love everybody.
  5. I'm Playful. Life is supposed to be enjoyed.
  6. I love color... and detail. I'm a colorful perfectionist. :o)
  7. Being comfortable with Aloneness is about finding peace & happiness within oneself. I like just being with me, I'm ok with me.
  8. I guess I'm a strange combination. I know about and have experienced the evil that's out there, lurking; but I rise above it and quixotically still hold on to my love of the good around me. I still live my life in innocent wide eyed wonder.
  9. I'm Colorful, Unusual & Unexpected but still beautiful in my own way.
  10. My favorite thing to paint right now is the juxtaposition of leaves and flowers. I'm very sybaritic, I am stimulated by the gratification of my senses... color & texture, they make me want to LOOK and TOUCH.
  11. The rainbow in the sky represents my spirituality. I have very strong core beliefs. I live my life by those few essential rules that stem from them.
  12. Sid, from the movie Ice Age represents my quirky & twisted sense of humor. I find something to laugh about in every situation. Even when I'm down, I still have my humor.
  13. The palette is obvious, I'm an ARTIST. It's what defines me. That and "Oh look, a Squirrel!!" ;o)
An exciting thing happened yesterday afternoon. I saw my artwork framed, matted and hanging on a wall. What a moment that was! Mom and I went and found frames for some of my paintings and when we got them up on the wall I just sat on the entrance chair and stared. I was transfixed with the sight for several long minutes. It felt so good to treat my paintings as the real art it is instead of just keeping it all in a box (which I'm still also doing at the moment). Did you know that frames and matting is expensive??!? Thank God Michael's craft store had a 40% off sale on some of their mounting options. I don't know how I'm gonna frame and matt the larger paintings I want to do. Mom's so lucky, when she starts painting again she won't even have to frame her stuff as it's on canvas and doesn't require a frame (she paints in oils). 

Here's what you see when you enter my apartment now. :o)  I Luuuurve it! 

*doing the happy dance again* :o)

There prolly won't be paintings for a couple of days, I have to finish learning how to upload to ebay and how to add Paypal functioning. I'm selling my set of Royal Albert "Jubilee Rose" china. I have a complete set to 12 but it's just not "ME". I guess learning how Paypal works etc. will help when I upload stuff to sell in my Etsy store. I just hope it's not difficult.

St. Patrick's day will soon be upon us. I am already wearing my green proudly. my nails are a combination of lime Sparkle glitter and bright lime green cream. Since I probably won't be posting until the 18th, I'll wish you all the Luck O' The Irish and a Happy St. Patrick's Day. On the 17th, put on y're green an' go find yerself a lad or lass to have a pint wit'. Enjoy the spirit O' The Irish. Hugs & Shamrocks ta Y'all!

We'll talk later, mee friends.  
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  1. The fact that you are playful is so obvious all over your mosaic..! You are so cool.. Nice to meet you.. :)

  2. As English is not my main language I actually learned a few new words here! :)
    I love how you are not mysterious but difficult - I think I need to add that line to my vocabulary! :) Thanks for sharing so much about you - it's great to meet you! :)

  3. A great post in which I got to know you a little better. I've done many a self portrait/mosaic working with childen and now I have this to inspire me. Talking of mosaics, in my blog post tomorrow (the 18th) I make mention of one with a slight difference which you might find amusing.

  4. I always look forward to reading your posts, and am going to link to you. My son had to wear green to nursery for St Patricks day. Our family do have a tiny bit of Irish in them too.

    Best wishes


  5. your post is very interesting. I will come to visit you always! ;-)

  6. green colored frame, :) suits any picture

  7. Such a great idea! I love how you went in depth to explain what each photo means. I'm sure a lot of people would just post the collage and be finished. I especially love number three, that you aren't mysterious, just complex. Beautiful!

    APlusAmigurumi from swap-bot


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