Saturday, March 13, 2010

Abstract: Existing In The Mind.

I did it. I really, truly did it. And it turned out beautifully! Yippee! I'm so happy I could jump around and do a jig, in fact I did. The jig, I mean. The thing that caused all the giddy dancing??? My First Abstract Painting!! It turned out Fantastically. Tony the Tiger would say it's Grrrrrreat! Here it is. It's titled "The Grasses". (I've seen people call this style either Impressionist or Abstract... I'd say it's both.)

I also made some new bookmarks and took some time to complete them with beaded tassels. This is the way I'll be selling them in my Etsy store. I'm thinking I'll set the prices at around $10 - $15 each, depending on the design. I think they turned out fab!



That's all for now. I have four or five new pieces drawn out and ready to be painted tomorrow. It'll be a happy day. All paint, all day. Woo Hoo! I better write myself a note...

Maybe if I staple it to my forehead... but then I'll need a mirror... hmmm. I got nuthin'. I guess I'm looped and I'll just have to wing it. I'll have to train the bird one day to remind me to do stuff. That'd be useful, for serious. :o)

Talk later?  Have a great weekend everybody!

I'm reading: Abstract: Existing In The Mind.Tweet this Post


  1. I love how your painting turned out, it's awesome! The bookmarks are cool too. :)

  2. I also always forget to drink enough water. Having a bottle with my favorite drink (warm water or tea in winter) on hand has helped a little.

    SaraswatiChB for swap-bot

  3. The colors are great. It reminds me of a sunny day where a storm is rolling in quickly.

    Yoshi (libertunity from Swapbot)

  4. What fun bookmarks.

    j3ss1ca (SB)

  5. I love your enthusiasm and pride in your work! Its infectious and a great reminder to do what you love!

    Beautiful work, too!



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