Sunday, March 14, 2010

Flotsam, Jetsam & Art

So, here's a quick post for the weekend. I did another fuchsia flower. I'm especially happy with the background. I am in love with Payne's gray! It has such a wonderful dimension of color and makes really rocking backgrounds. Yellow Ochre is also a fantastic background color. I think it's because they both "sit" within their cool or warm section and relate to all colors there. Payne's is neither gray or black nor white or blue. It's all of them at once, depending on the amount of water one adds. Ochre does the same as a warm hue. Both colors are not too much of any one color, and I love their mutedness, which isn't a word, but who cares. They are neither "muddy" nor "clear". Ok, so enough waxing poetic about the philosophy of color theory. Here's the painting. It's called "Purple Fuchsia" for anyone who cares. ;o)

Now onto the flotsam & jetsam I mentioned in the title. I use a plethora of links when I post something new and I was thinking that it may help someone if I put a bunch of the useful and interesting (even fun!) links up here in a list. I have enough of them to fill a minivan! I hope they help:
  1. Hyper Dictionary - I use this dictionary many ways. First, as a dictionary... like I wanted to check that "flotsam" was actually the word I was looking for, did it mean just what I thought it meant or was I a bit off? Second, if I can't for the life of me, come up with a good word for something I can put the generic word in and HD usually gives a huge list of "related words". It works great if you're having a less than stellar brain day. :o)
  2. Add A Border - I think it makes all my artwork look more professional, as though it had been matted and framed before I took it's picture. Hey, everybody loves to get dressed up , right?
  3. Color Picker - This can be used with the above link. I wanted the "frame" on my paintings to go with my other blog colors. This lets you find the perfect color then gives you the hex code, beautiful!
  4. Mosaic Maker - I'm sure I mentioned this one before but it's so great, here it is again. Use flickr or your own pics!
  5. Tips For New Bloggers - I used this site A LOT, with all it's widgets and easy to understand explanations on how to...  
  6. Skitch - I should own shares in this company, I use them sooo much! It's the easiest way to collect stuff from the web, just take a snap of it. It's free and AMAZING.
  7. Copyright Your Blog - It makes you feel safer. Say it loud and proud, "this is my stuff, keep your mitts off!" 
  8. Tiny URL - Upload your pictures and get a tiny link for it instead of a huge one. 
  9. Wufoo - Make your own email form or host a sign up giveaway like I did for free postcards. You get to create your own form easily, it gives you the code and you get emails when someone signs up with all their info that you asked for! It's free with limited use (like my usage) or you can upgrade to a payer. Very cool site.
  10. Moo Business Cards - Put your own image on your business card (each card can be a different image!!) and print your particulars on the other side. Great prices, very cool cards.
  11. Swap-Bot - Do you want to get stuff in the mail? Go here and join a swap then! Like, you send your assigned partner your favorite candy with an easter themed postcard and you get candy and a postcard from a new friend. What could be better?
  12. People Are Crazy Or Stupid... (or both.) - Now for a laugh and some fun. Here you'll find annoyed service people write in with their stories of their worst customers. OMG, people are stupid! Ya gotta laugh, though.

That's it for this weekend. I better get to bed, I already lost hours of sleep, just by staying up but on top of that I lose the designated hour this time of year... remember, it's daylight savings time so Spring Ahead, people!! Maybe I'll just sleep 'til noon. Hehehe. Prolly not, although, right now it sounds awesome!

Hugs, we'll talk soon.
I'm reading: Flotsam, Jetsam & ArtTweet this Post


  1. Thanks for all the useful links! And if I painted I would definitely use Payne gray.

  2. I love this post. The painting is great and thanks for sharing the link love. I'm new to bloggin so these are really helpful to me.

    SaraswatiChB for swap-bot

  3. The fuchsia flower is great. One of the things I miss most about moving away from my parents house is that I used to have fuchsia flowers blooming right outside of my bedroom window.

    Yoshi (libertunity from Swapbot)

  4. Wow thanks for all of the links! What a plethora of blog-riches! Very helpful, thank you.



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