Thursday, August 17, 2017

Just Buzzing Around

Hiya. I'm up to my eyeballs with work. I'm revamping my blog and adding the Amazon Affiliate Program to it. You'll notice a few esthetic changes in the sidebar. Mostly you won't notice anything different in my post as I've always added links to stuff. It's just for the first time, I might benefit a tiny bit if I help you find just the right new art supply or book.

I've added links to my blog posts since the beginning, it's one of the first things I learned when I started blogging seven years ago. I know that when I'm on another artist's site I appreciate when they tell me what supplies they used and where the heck they got them! Let's face it, we all love art supplies and looking at another artist's stash is a guilty pleasure for most of us. I've always just thought it was fun to allow for that indulgence. Hey, as a friend and reader wrote to me today, "It's cheaper than therapy!". Yup, totally agree.

Anyway, I wanted to show you my new mascot in sharing form! I ordered twenty stickers from Sticker Mule the other day and just approved the proof of my little guy. I'm in love. He's my social media mascot, when you see the bee, you see me! Isn't he cute, with my blog and name built around him? I used Pic Monkey to curve the script, it was actually quite easy.
If you want your own stickers or anything else Sticker Mule makes (stickers, labels, buttons, magnets and packaging), they gave me a $10 off coupon code to share with you. Just go to Sticker Mule through this link, sign up and you'll get a $10 credit. The next thing I'm gonna do is get him in magnetic form! Then he can fly around and stick to anything metal. 

I'll be back soon with more artwork, some reviews of art supplies I won in a giveaway on Doodlewash, and general shenanigans. I'll also be doing my own giveaway next week so watch this space! I'll be linking up with Paint Party Friday, come join us. Later Gator!

What I've Been Up To:

Learning: How to use Amazon Associates
Eating: Chaga & Five Mushroom Blend from Wild Rose, it's supposed to prevent cancer growth!
Reading: The Ocean At The End Of The Lane by Neil Gaiman. Then tomorrow I'm starting the latest Cainsville Mystery, Rituals by Kelly Armstrong.
Planning: I'm thinking of moving the blog to WordPress... a boatload of work!
Dreaming: About writing my own book! Would you read a mystery I wrote?
Anticipating: Reviewing Hahnemüehle paper.
Purchasing: The newest Instant Pot - MINI It's SO cute and only 3 quarts!


I'm reading: Just Buzzing AroundTweet this Post


  1. Hope you are able to benefit from the programme. Good luck! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. Wonderful thoughts indeed and all the best with the small changes. Greetings.

  3. Looks like new and exciting things for you Jenn! I adore your bee sticker!! Thanks for sharing the coupon code for those who wish to give it a go-much appreciated. Happy PPF!

  4. Oh, Jenn, what an adorable bee sticker! Thanks for the links. Not sure I'd have anything to make into stickers, but maybe a magnet. You are so creative and talented. I had a WP blog, but I found that most people do blogspot and I wasn't getting a lot of traffic. Things may have changed now.

  5. What a great post! I'm going to be busy for the next hour hitting up all your links! How does that wild mushroom taste? And I love your blog so I'm following you now :D

  6. I was here last night but after writing a long comment my darn window closed on me. Also I had trouble reloading your mascot this second time around!! LOVE your adorable's perfect! Anything you write would be amazing.. I am more of a non fiction reader at this point in life!! You are so personable and talented that I'm sure anything you present to the world would be fabulous!! You go girl!!

    Peace Giggles

  7. Your bee is soooo cute! I am working on some bumble bees myself - will show in a couple of weeks maybe. You always have the best sites, products, sales and food to share. 5 Mushroom blend - sounds yum!!!

  8. Let me know how you like the stickers...I've been looking at Sticker Mule for a while now, but didn't know anyone who has dealt with them. There's another big outfit I've looked at as well. The artist that introduced me to them, really liked them so I'd love to know what your experiences are. Love the bee too! Good choice.

  9. I love Kelly Armstrong . . .have missed the last 2 because I moved. Great stickers. Blessings, Janet


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