Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Do You Sleep In Your Earrings?

Ok, I'm gonna be doing something I don't usually do. Well, I usually do it with art supplies, review them, that is. But today I'm telling you all about a company called Comfy Earrings. I came across them in the last few weeks and they were so great that I wanted to shout it from the hilltops. I'm NOT being paid or compensated for this post, I just LOVE their products and even better, I love their customer service.

Great customer service doesn't grow on trees these days so when I come across a spectacular example of it I think everyone should know. Even better, their product is incredible and I think everyone who wears earrings should KNOW about them. Let me tell you all about it, I think I just might convince you to go shopping!

A month or so ago I decided to start working on feeling pretty again. As many of you know I have cancer and I'm struggling to lose weight so I can have surgery safely. I've been doing really well lately and am starting to feel so much better. That prompted me to put earrings on. I have a double piercing in each ear and when I added my peridot studs and another complimentary stud I was shocked to have them hurt mightily after only a couple hours. I took them out. The next morning after a little alcohol and cleaning of both ears and earrings I put them in again but they hurt. I realized that I wished I could wear them all day, everyday and at night so, like you do when you get your ears pierced, I could use alcohol everyday and force my body to heal. But alas I CANNOT sleep in earrings, the posts stick into my neck and hurt.

Black Onyx Prong EarringsCrystal Clear Earrings
I did some research on earrings you could wear all the time and came across Comfy Earrings. Who knew there were earrings that had screw on backs!!? Do you realize that means NO MORE POSTS sticking into your neck when you sleep!!? The back of these are smooth and they screw into the post and are incredibly secure. I ordered them right away and they were beyond perfect. Funny, even putting them on and wearing them didn't hurt like my other earrings did. No idea why. But even better, I NEVER have to remove them. 

I have slept in them for the last three weeks and they are wonderful. Now I have pretty ears, I feel much more feminine and my ear holes won't close over and get sore again. Since they were so great I decided to order my mother a pair and get some pearls for my aunt Mic. It's my aunt's birthday this month. What I didn't know is that Mic has two holes just like me!  EEk. I didn't know that before putting in my order. I emailed customer service begging for help, could they stop the shipping process and amend my order?

YES, yes they could! In fact, I heard from the owners themselves. Nick and Christina changed my order and fixed it over the weekend, then shipped them to me. They only took about a week to get here. I decided to give mom and Mic their earrings today, after they arrived because they were all so gorgeous and I wanted them to enjoy them NOW. Mic was thrilled. You gotta love a company that goes above and beyond instead of just telling me to order again. Their amendment on my order saved me a bunch on shipping and I so appreciate their effort.

I got mom the largest crystal prong studs they have, they're 6mm and look perfect. I bought my aunt Mic the pearls and they're small crystal prong, just like my onyx ones but in clear crystal. When mom showed her the website she immediately loved the blue sapphire ones like my crystal ones, they have metal all the way around the stone. I'm in love with the peridot and they're on sale this August as they're August's birthstone. I'm pretty sure we'll order again sometime, maybe they'll have to go on my Christmas list.

Mom's: 6mm large Crystal ProngMic's: Pearl and Crystal Clear Prong
Oh, and just so you know, they do custom orders and also have one of a kind earrings with semi precious stones and real gold or silver offered on their website too. It seems they like creative customers and will try to accommodate what you'e looking for. I'd want to make a larger peridot set, something like the large crystal prong that I got for my mom but do the stone in peridot. I'm surprised to say I wouldn't switch to sterling silver as the surgical stainless steel feels so good in my ears. Now, if I had money to burn I'd get my birthstone, emerald! LOL. OK, win lottery... buy emerald comfy earrings. Yep, that's doable.

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  1. Glad you found these comfy earrings! And your painting is lovely.

  2. Have fun with your new earrings, I never sleep in mine, and just wear those with hooks, as I find them most comfortable. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  3. Glad you found a comfy alternative!

  4. Wow, Jenn, I love the earring painting. But in addition to that I love that you told about the comfort earrings. My earring holes don't stay open or aligned very well. Sometimes I can get the post through the front but not be able to locate the back hole. A friend is having the same problem. I will tell her about these too.

  5. Wonderful sketch, Jenn! Great that you found the comfy earrings you can wear through the night too.

    I have three holes in each ear and I always sleep with studs or sleepers in the top two holes because I don't change those much at all. The bottom hole is the only one where I remove the earrings at night because I tend to wear big hoops in them...LOVE hoops or gypsy-style earrings. To be honest, I've never had trouble with the posts on the studs digging into my skin/neck...must be one of the lucky ones.

    I hope all is going well health-wise...cancer is so nasty. :(

  6. Your painting is fabulous and they sound like they are a wonderful product... they must be thrilled with your review and the illustration!!! Awesome

  7. Oh Jenn, a significant post for so many reasons! First of all, I am so sorry to read about your cancer. My presence in the blogosphere has been so spotty that I missed your diagnosis. Oh I will pray for you on this journey.
    Another reason I love this post is the earrings. I am forever hunting for "sleepable" earrings. If I cannot sleep in them, I cannot have them. This post brings good news to my ears (no pun intended!)
    And then, as an immigrant living in the USA, your thoughts from Matthew on immigrants comes as balm to a hurting soul. While I have been invited "in" as a stranger in the community where I live, I feel rather unwelcome listening to news. "Alien" takes on a whole new meaning some days - think green, ugly, weird, scary, dangerous. So anyway, I am always encouraged to find hearts and minds that don't see immigrants as such abstract beings, but as real people.
    Hugs to you!!

  8. What a gorgeous painting! Those earrings sound interesting, how great that you found them! I wear earrings everyday, but not only can I not sleep with having them on, I can't even wear them at home, nor any other jewellery, except the occasional special necklace. I can wear them all day, at work, or anywhere else, but the moment I get home, I have to take everything off.


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