Saturday, August 5, 2017

Book Review: "Lie to Me" by J.T. Ellison

"Lie to Me" by J.T. Ellison will be released September 5, 2017.

What a stellar read! This may end up being 2017’s "Gone Girl", there certainly are cogent arguments for their similarity. There is a missing wife, and the husband is the main suspect, and the book is a truly spectacularly good page turner, but the story certainly diverges from Gong Girl from there.

Ethan Montclair’s wife has left a note that tells him not to try to find her. Ethan’s wife Sutton is missing and he has no idea what to do about that. I can understand why other reviewers didn’t like the Montclairs, they’re not that likable, in fact they’re insufferable but then, for me that adds to the mystery. Ethan and Sutton were so well constructed, both bad and good, hateful and loving that one could see them as real people with serious flaws.

The writer used four voices in this book. The husband Ethan, the missing wife Sutton, Holly the police officer and an unknown villain. At first I wasn’t sure who was doing this talking as we heard from a villainous voice. It only became clear that this voice was the fourth voice and not one of the other characters as we got to the meat of the book.  

I was hooked. I had to find out whose voice darkly seduced me into devouring this book. There were so many twists, turns and red herrings in this mystery that although I tried and tried to figure it out, I just couldn’t. I love those kinds of books. They make the reader work for the satisfying ending. And the suspense, oh the suspense! It pushes the reader like a helicopter mom with a lazy child. It makes you feel like you’re physically leaning into the book.

J.T. Ellison is such a skilled writer that I could see the Montclair kitchen with the blood stain on the granite and I could see the Starbucks Sutton visited daily for her caffeine fix. The author made me question every supposition I made as I went along. Was I right to think this? Did I miss a clue somewhere? Who is that nefarious voice giving us half clues and frustrating me in such a good way? I always love an emotional roller coaster of a book and “Lie To Me” certainly is that.

If nuanced, well wrought psychological thrillers that have you working to figure them out make you shiver with glee then don’t miss this five star book, it’s so fantastic and worth your reading time.


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  1. I'm terrible at reading books, most of my reading has been replaced by blogs, but I would be tempted with this one after your review. I especially like your phase like a helicopter Mum with a lazy child! Happy Sunday!
    Wren x

  2. I've never read this author, but I'll check her out the next time I'm at the bookstore. "well wrought psychological thriller" sounds like just the thing :)


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