Wednesday, July 12, 2017

When Any Talent You Have...

...seems to have left the building. You know that feeling when you wonder where your inspiration/talent/muse went off to when you were working hard trying to paint something? Why did whatever meager talent you seem to possess not run into your brush today? What the hell happened to that muse you pay so much money for? Did my inspiration go out drinking with my muse and they both got lost-drunk-abducted??!?

I've got no idea what happened, but when one finds oneself in this annoying position, don't despair. Bad art happens to good people. Get over yourself, go feed your muse some good chocolate. Give your inspiration a good, strong cuppa coffee. Take the night off and get back on the proverbial horse tomorrow. K? Ya, that's my plan... now where the hell is that chocolate? ;o)

Later Gator, I gotta go sober up my team. I don't drink but they obviously do. *Jenn rolls her eyes at her virtual muse". Oh and just so I can officially say I participated, I'm hooking up with #WorldWatercolorMonth. If you want to join us you have more than a month to join in the fun.


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  1. Wonderful flowers, love the intense colours. I would gladly send you some rain if I could, I'm enjoying the cool, damp air as long it lasts here! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. Beautiful alive flowers. I love flowers. Yellow houses would look excellent with gray trim. . .my opinion. Amazing how much alike we think. I too review books for authors. I appreciate your visit. Thank you. Blessings, Janet

  3. Well...I think it's bright and a good flower...xx

  4. Thanks for the good flower :) Love your charming painting.
    Happy PPF xx

  5. ha I love your sense of humor Jenn! And your watercolor-just stunning. the sense of movement in the petals is amazing-I swear I actually see them moving in the breeze:) Happy PPF!

  6. Beautiful art I don't believe you are capable of bad art!

  7. Looks like your muse has returned. Those are some really gorgeous flowers. My watercolor class begins again next Monday. Can't wait.

  8. Beautiful bright blooms :) Happy PPF from No 34 :D

  9. haha, I certainly know that feeling more than I'd like to! I love your flowers, the bright strong colours in the front and the soft colours in the back. Gives a real sense of depth and movement. Have fun with the challenge!

  10. This is my story right now...maybe the wildfires in the Cariboo stole them... I take it this gorgeous watercolour that I LOVE so much, especially because it's the exact same pink as my gypsy pink living room is an old piece!! Bad art is me the last two weeks...thank goodness for the licorice caramel purdys my daughter bought me a few weeks back.... oh and netflix!! Hope those drunken muses return from holiday sooner than later!!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. I am guessing that your muse/inspiration had sobered up when you painted that scene, it's gorgeous. Your worse day is probably my best, lol

  12. Loved the flowers. And, your commentary made me chuckle.

  13. I love the beautiful blooms though I get the sentiment for sure, lol. The colours are gorgeous!

  14. Yep... I definitely know that feeling and it happens often, so you're not alone! But your flower painting tells a very different story indeed!! Beautiful!!

  15. Well, if your muse and your inspiration conspired (drunkenly) to paint this gorgeous and vibrant flower painting then I wouldn't worry too much about them having left the building!

    I know the feeling though and it does happen to us all. I've just gone through a couple of weeks of just not being arsed to paint at all but then just like that I got an overwhelming urge to pick up a paintbrush at the weekend and I think my mojo has come back!!

    By the way, thank you for your lovely comment about the wee figurine I made of Muffy. I tried to reply but you're a no reply blogger commenter thingie!

  16. Hahaha, this is well-said, Jenn! I find myself in this place all too often... and without chocolate to feed myself (or my muse). But your cosmos is gorgeous... must be a different painting that was the "bad art happening...". Great shadows and shapes of those petals!!


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