Friday, July 7, 2017

Superman Needs A Phone Booth

For those of you who come here NOT for quiche recipes,  LOL, here's some art. My friend Linda sent me samples of Peerless watercolors and I swatched them the other day. They're wonderfully bright and transparent!

Top Line (L-R):
jaqueminot pink
deep yellow
orange yellow
daffodil yellow

Bottom Line (L-R):
bismark brown
pearl grey
viridian green
butterfly wing

I also sent Linda a little package and the art I sent was a postcard painting of a telephone booth, I named it "Calling Card". It was very strange and difficult working so small. I'm used to larger pieces of paper but it was wonderfully intricate and it was such fun to try and capture all the shadows. I'm becoming addicted to doing shadows in art. Ahh god help me, I look at stuff to see it's color and how the light hits it just in case I want to paint it! I'm guessing that's the heart of an artist, huh?

Title: "Calling Card"
What things make you or the artists around you artists at heart? I'd love to hear your response in the comments.  I'm hooking up with PPF, come join us!
I'm reading: Superman Needs A Phone BoothTweet this Post


  1. Such a piece of nostalgia... you've captured it beautifully.

  2. Oh Jenn I cannot tell you you how much I LOVE this card -I can't stop gushing over it and can't thank you enough for offering to swap with me:) Hope to try my QORS from you over the weekend:) Happy PPF!
    And now I must go to your quiche link:)

  3. Love the telephone daughter is in Europe at the moment...I miss her...and she's only been gone a photo reminds me of one she did, her walking into a telephone box....lovely lovely piece...xx

  4. Brilliant! I love the telephone booth and you do do shadows really well. The Peerless watercolors are so beautiful.

  5. Your calling card is wonderful, reminds me of my home. New colours and materials are always inspiring. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  6. Hi Jenn, lovely to see more of your art. It's a great composition and those colours pop!

  7. Love that calling card! Such vibrant colours and a fun image :)

  8. Great little calling card. It is hard to find a phone booth now-a-days. I am also really paying attention to shadows, they seem to be the difference between good and great art.

  9. I love my Peerless, and they are the easiest to take with me when I do my pleinair sketching. Your phone booth is adorable, we don't see them anymore so it's nice to see them being sketched.

  10. Oh, my goodness! I LOVE this! This painting of yours fills my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give! Wowzerz!

  11. Blue it would be Dr. Who calling. . .great details on the painting. Blessings, Janet


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