Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Daffodils For Good People

You know, I'm darn lucky. I haven't had Grandparents for a long time. My grandfather on my mom's side died when I was five. Although I was an adult when my grandmother died, she had Alzheimer's disease for many years before her death in 2003. I was never close to my father's parents as they were distant both emotionally and physically.

I feel lucky though to have met our next door neighbors, Cathy & Steven. They seem to have taken me under their wing and I have to admit, I have so missed feeling that kind of love from grandparent-like figures. It really does feel like I've inherited a spectacular set of loving grandparents and I can't even express what that caring means to me. They always ask after my health (they know I have cancer, they were one of the first people I told). They also leave us tiny little treasures on our doorstep. Like when they go to the local veggie market and bring us back some baby greens packaged up with a bow. Oh how those salads taste the best!
"Daffodils In Jug" for Cathy & Steven
After I told them about my diagnosis Cathy showed up with this Jug filled with just-starting-to-open daffodils and I had to let them see just how beautiful they looked after they fully bloomed. There is nothing more comforting than feeling the love from people older and wiser than you, especially when I'd normally be nothing to them. They love me anyway. I love them back in huge buckets full. They fill my heart with appreciation for all their caring. Who could ask for anything more?


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  1. Jenn, It has been so long since I have seen you! I used to post on your site a few years ago-maybe 5 years? You were having some health issues with various foods at that time I remember, as we talked about it. I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I love your beautiful watercolor floral today. And as you said, what a wonderful gift of friendship from your neighbors. I hope to see you here again in the coming weeks.

  2. Beautiful flowers, so glad you have met such caring people at this time.

  3. Such a lovely post. Most of my grandparents passed before I was born, so I can appreciate your words. So glad you have special people in your life.

  4. Love your charming painting, signs of spring and signs of hope. Wishing you blessings!

  5. Super art, such a lovely post too. Hope things go well for you. I am a 10 year survivor after being diagnosed with bc at 32. X

  6. Glad you have found the support you need at this time and in such a loving way... Your flower painting is lovely in its jug.
    Happy PPF

  7. The daffodils are a wonderful pop of colors. And your neighbors seem to be the nicest people, I am glad they are there for you.

  8. A gorgeous painting with lovely warm colours, so glad to hear that you have such special neighbours.

  9. Beautiful vibrant color in this floral. Prayers for you on your new journey.

  10. Cathy and Steve sound very special people and I'm thrilled that you have them. Your painting just shouts 'Spring' and would cheer anyone up. They're certainly a fantastic sign of hope. The jug is gorgeous and I love that blue too.
    Great to see you've started painting once again.
    Happy PPF to you ♥♥♥

  11. your daffodil painting is so beautiful Jenn! How nice to have such kind, caring and thoughtful neighbors. Sending you lots of healing wishes and prayers. May your friends near and far help you to be strong through it all. Happy PPF!

  12. Your neighbours would be thrilled with that gorgeous painting... made especially for them.
    It's lovely to have people like that as neighbours, and they obviously think the same about you :D)

  13. Beautiful post, Jenn. Cathy and Steven sound like perfect neighbours and I'm glad they are looking out for you. Sending lots of healing vibes and well wishes your way. Beautiful flower painting — I have a soft spot for daffodils. Happy PPF!

  14. You are so talented. I love the daffodils in the brightly colored vase. Having had cancer myself, I am sending you a ton of hugs and telling you to fight like crazy. You can do it.

  15. What a gift your neighbours are! And what a beautiful bright picture. I miss the daffodils in February/March as it is the height of summer here.


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