Saturday, July 2, 2016

Ladybug, Ladybug Fly Away Home...

Keeping up the theme of bugs or things that fly (I intend to do butterflies and maybe even hummingbirds), I present a ladybug. I've always thought they were such happy little bugs, not scary at all and many people think they bring luck.

If you'd like to join in with watercolor artists around the world and celebrate July as World Watercolor Month go to Doodlewash and read up on this new official month of celebrating watercolors. You can join Charlie O'Shields and the rest of us in the Facebook group and post your art made with watercolor or gouache (opaque watercolors). Everyday in July we're celebrating this great medium by painting and if you want to share your art on social media just use the hashtag #WorldWatercolorMonth.


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