Sunday, March 13, 2016

How To Be A Better Artist

Some of you may remember last year that I took a course hosted by my good friend Tracey Fletcher King. It changed my art in so many ways I have trouble even verbalizing the improvements. I actually feel like a more accomplished artist with solid skills under my belt and I know I'm a better artist for Tracey's "Delicious Paint" course.

I'm telling you all this because although the original course at Community Thrive shut down because the hosting website closed, Tracey has revamped "Delicious Paint" and put it on her own platform so it can run again! It has a new video and a bunch more written content and PDF's to help you get the most from your experience in the course.
My Bok Choy, Delicious Paint 2015My Tomatoes, Delicious Paint 2015
Tracey will be around to answer any questions her students have and although we in North America have to be reminded that she's in a different time zone (Australia) so it may take time for her to answer, she is available to encourage all who want help. She's an amazing teacher, the best in fact, I've ever come across in imparting information about watercolors in an easy to digest way. Her teaching style is so easily accessible even for beginners. The course really is for both beginners and more advanced students. She has tons of degrees in art and many years as a teacher. Her style is so natural that you forget you're learning.

When you sign up for Delicious Paint you get access to the course forever so you can go back again and again to keep up your watercolor skills and you can learn at your own pace. I've signed up for it again and if you took it previously in 2015, just contact Tracey and she'll send you a discount to get into the course again if you'd like. I hope you join us, the course just opened and everyone is excited and participating already, sharing on the private Facebook page set up just for the course.
My Radishes, I LOVE them!
The tomatoes, bok choy and asparagus above were done in the course and the radishes were done after. Comparing the radishes to the other three shows my progress from tighter perfection where I never let me as an artist show, to a more loose style, starting to show me in my own art. I saw that my actual painting skills improved almost immediately but it took a couple of weeks to let other nuances from the course sink in. I was so thrilled to see the changes to a loosening style all because of Tracey's help. The course rocks and it's so worth the price!

I'll be back with more art soon, I gotta go pick out some fruit and veggies to paint in Delicious Paint!
I'm reading: How To Be A Better ArtistTweet this Post


  1. Your veggies are terrific. They'd look great in my kitchen.

  2. It is wonderful to have you back in class... And it is awesome to see your work progressing... Gives me such a thrill to see it every time


Please leave me a comment, I've sure missed hearing from you!


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