Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Book Review: "The Girl In The Ice" By Robert Bryndza

"The Girl In The Ice" By Robert Bryndza was an amazing mystery and it is now available for purchase. Even better, right now (March 15, 2016) the Kindle edition is only 99¢ at both Amazon.com and Amazon.ca. Now THAT'S a good deal!

Detective Erika Foster is our heroine in this spectacularly written thriller. The book is set in London where Erika is hired to head the investigation into the murder of a young and beautiful socialite named Andrea Douglas-Brown. Small bits of information are given to imply that Erika has been off the job for the past seven months due to the death of her husband. It is also made clear that this investigation is not going to go smoothly due to police infighting and the influence from the wealthy family of the victim. 

DCI Foster delves head long into finding out who killed Andrea but it soon becomes clear that no one wants to know that Andrea wasn't a perfect social butterfly, she had secrets that may have gotten her killed. Erika is even sidelined from asking the victim's family the difficult questions that will help capture the murderer. Whether the top brass or the victim's family want to help or not, DCI Erica Foster is determined to find justice for Andrea and that drives her into very dangerous territory.

For many years I don't think I've read a mystery that I couldn't solve before the last couple pages. I always at least have a solid idea who probably did it. With "The Girl In The Ice" I truly had no clue who killed Andrea until the author spelled it out for me. What a thrill it is to read a book that kept me spellbound until the very end! It was so wonderfully torturous that I even started wondering if the author was going to break all the rules and slide in a character as the killer that hadn't been mentioned before. Had the author not given enough clues for the reader to figure it out?? YES, he had! The mystery was just so well written, with the killer hiding in plain sight, that I totally didn't winnow out the truth. I was floored in the end when the killer was revealed. It was awesome!

If you love mysteries like I do then you HAVE to read this author. It was such a wonderful surprise to NOT know "who done it". Please take advantage of the excellent Kindle price and grab this book, I guarantee you won't regret it.

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