Sunday, January 10, 2016

Extending Christmas

Yes, I know Christmas ended weeks ago. Sue me, lol. I didn't get to paint up a poinsettia until now and I've wanted to paint one forever. Seriously. It's been on my paint bucket list for at least four years but I never got to it. Honestly, I think I didn't really think I could do it justice until now. Tracey's Delicious Paint course really changed my confidence level and gave me skills I didn't know I could learn. I'm so waiting for another course and I hear she's not only running Delicious Paint again this spring but will also be putting out another new course. Yep, I'll be first in line for that one.

Anyway, I finally found the courage to put paint to paper and discovered that I could indeed paint a poinsettia. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. I'm trying hard to be looser with my lines and my paintbrush. Now all I have to do is figure out what to paint next. I'll take suggestions, lol.

Later gator.

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