Saturday, January 9, 2016

Do You Love Brussels Sprouts?

I started drawing up this recipe more than a month ago. Christmas planning and execution definitely got in the way. We made this recipe for awesome brussels sprouts (testing it for Christmas) and were blown away by just how great and easy they are. They're sweet and spicy and just so you know, the amount of sriracha sauce is minimal, I don't like spicy stuff much. But, of course, you can up the ante and ratchet up the heat by increasing the sriracha to whatever you like. I thought I'd actually type up the recipe below just in case you can't read my artwork, lol. (below, click on either side of the recipe to see larger)

Left Page RecipeRight Page Recipe

Honey Garlic Roasted Brussels Sprouts

1½-2 pounds brussels sprouts
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
¼ cup balsamic vinegar (or rice-wine vinegar)
¼ cup honey
1 1/2 tsps Sriracha sauce
2 tsp minced garlic (about 4 cloves)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Trim the brussels sprouts & cut in half.
2. In a large bowl, whisk the olive oil with the vinegar, honey, garlic and Sriracha to combine. Add the brussels sprouts and toss until they are fully coated. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
3. Spread the brussels sprouts on a baking sheet, cut sides down. Pour any extra olive-oil mixture onto the pan and tilt the pan around to distribute it.
4. Roast until the sprouts are crispy on the outside and golden and caramelized on the cut sides, about 30 minutes. Serve immediately.

We'll talk soon, it's art all the time here at the McLean house. God I need a tea, I'm off caffeine and it's killing me. ;o)
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1 comment:

  1. Ha! Fantastic a fellow BS lover - now this got me into completely hot water last year with a review I did of a restaurant with amazing sprouts. As you will appreciate, to cook brussels sprouts well, well it's a talent! It might make you smile, so here it is:
    We had every intention of cooking the brussels on Christmas day, but it was soooooo hot we ended up with salads.... Now as we share the sprout-love you will appreciate how that went down in our family. Cries of "it's not Xmas, without the sprouts!" Your recipe looks fabulous, I will try it just as soon as it cools down a bit here in Melbourne!
    Have a fabulous New Year Jenn :)
    Wren x


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