Sunday, November 8, 2015

AEDM - Day Nine

Ooh, I love to add paint to a piece. This one I really wanted to capture the "well loved" nature of the lotion tube. I think I captured that. I decided to do the shadow in purple because the shadows on the tube was neutral tint and the silver top part was Payne's grey. I wanted the cast shadow to stand out from the other shadows.

This is what the drawing looked like yesterday, before I added any detail. It's weird to look at the line drawing after you have the finished product to compare to.
I found that I had to just go for it when it came to putting all the shadows on the tube in. It's kind of hard to mess up a pretty bottle with all those little flowers but if I wanted it to looked squeezed and folded I had to just throw caution to the wind. I think it worked.
Talk to you in a day or so with paint, paint and more paint. K? Good!


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  1. Looks great--nice mix of charming subject matter and evidence of real-life use!

    Visiting via AEDM. Best wishes!

  2. It's amazing what you find around your home to sketch and paint. This is no exception and oh so lovely.

    And yes, you may have hot cocoa which sounds much better than tea, but I could only find a tea pot in my stash of magazine images. After all, I have to rely on the fodder I've collected, because my drawing skills suck.

  3. I can see why it was hard for you to add the shadows, but it was the right thing to do and it looks excellent!

  4. Love how you transform everyday items into art!

  5. It looks good, the details are perfect.

  6. This is absolutely lovely! Great balance of shadows and detail!

  7. This is great, Jenn! I am trying to improve my sketching skills. It has been a challenge! Thank you for posting on My Journal Monday! :-) Jill Holmes


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