Sunday, September 27, 2015

Book Review: "Cover Shot" by LynDee Walker

"Cover Shot" by LynDee Walker is being published on November 10, 2015.

I loathe being enthusiastic about something I don't like so I'm thrilled to say I LOVED THIS BOOK! Yep, all in capitals. You saw it, I'm totally enthralled with this series, how did I miss the first four? I'm certainly glad I found the fifth and read it greedily, hardly stoping to eat or sleep until the last page was devoured.

"Cover Shot" is the fifth book in this Agatha Nominated series about an intrepid crime reporter named Nichelle Clarke. Nichelle hears on her police scanner that a death has occurred in a ritzy building in Richmond. As an ethical reporter with the trust of the detectives on  the case, Nichelle expected the usual details about whether this was a murder or just a tragic death. When it seems there's a gag on her favorite police detectives it spurs Nichelle on to discover just what's up. Her plate gets even fuller when it seems the same person who has been sending Nichelle ominous Twitter messages for weeks has taken hostages in the hospital and demands to talk to her.

Nichelle may want to get the inside scoop but she doesn't want to win in the news business if it means hurting anyone. I like her ethics, she's an enthusiastic woman with a quick mind. Nichelle is willing to put in the legwork to find answers most people wouldn't winnow out. She balances her dogged determination to get the story with her compassion for the victims and their families and she does it all in her high heel Louboutins.

LynDee Walker has written a five out of five star mystery. It works so well because the author expertly weaves her clues into an intricate web that allows the reader to follow the bread crumbs as long as they pay close attention. I absolutely fell in love with Walker's Nichelle Clarke. She's incredibly likable and that's makes the book even more enjoyable. For me, this was the perfect mystery. I had to really use my creativity to come up with a way to get the information Nichelle would need to solve the crime. I also loved it when the author wrote in an idea down that made me think, "Ohh, that was smart!". I'm so glad I have another four books to read until I've run out of "high heel mysteries". I've already downloaded book one, "Front Page Fatality". Now that I know Nichelle as a character, I can't wait to get her backstory. You can't lose with this series, you'd have to be brain dead not to love it. And that's my opinion, period. 


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