Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Book Review: "A Body To Spare" by Sue Ann Jaffarian

"A Body To Spare" by Sue Ann Jaffarian will be published on November 8, 2015.

I chose this mystery because I was excited about the idea that the main character was not gorgeous tall and thin. I thought it would be nice to read a character that was a little more like me, short and... rubenesque, lol. I'll admit that I found it really enjoyable when I related to some of the things the main character, Odelia felt. When she found herself tired, with aching knees after running after a suspect I smiled with understanding.

Odelia Grey is a paralegal who seems to be a corpse magnet. Every time she turns around a body shows up in her vicinity. This time there's a naked dead twenty-something man taped up in her trunk. When the police run the fingerprints of the body they find that he was Zak Finch, who had been kidnapped eight years ago. Odelia begins looking into Zak's previous life and where he's been for the past decade. What Odelia and her husband are worried about is that Zak's death is somehow connected to one of the unsavory people Odelia has connected with. She has collected some unusual associations over the years, being a corpse magnet. Until she clears her name, her life is in danger.

I really loved this book, it was daily a four out of five stars. It was also an easy chick lit kind of cozy mystery. I loved the character of Odelia, Sue Ann Jaffarian wrote her to be funny, street smart and so darn likable. I really appreciated the easy reading of this mystery. It was no struggle to follow all the clues but the mystery was complicated enough that I didn't figure out who was the ultimate culprit, although I was in the vicinity by the end. If you're looking for a fun and easy read that makes you feel like putting your feet up with a good cuppa coffee then pick up "A Body To Spare". Here's some even better news, there are nine previous Odelia Grey books and two short stories. So if you love this one as much as I did then you can read Sue Ann Jaffarian mysteries for many months before you run out!


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