Saturday, June 13, 2015

Circles & Lines

Color Circles ll
So, today I'm playing with paint and color circles again. My two new colors arrived from (I love them for shipping to Canada, their shipping charges are so darn reasonable!) I didn't have Daniel Smith's burnt sienna or sap green in my palette, I had other brands. I hated the other substitutes I had as they didn't mix as well as I wanted them to. I found my old sap green was just to bright and leafy instead of that slight olive that the DS sap green is. The old burnt sienna (I also had quin burnt orange as a sub too) was just to browny-brown instead of that unique sienna color of Daniel Smith. I also love the translucent properties of the newer colors. Here's some close up swatches I culled from the web to illustrate the differences I'm talking about.
Holbein Sap GreenDaniel Smith Sap Green
You can really see the difference in the sap greens using the swatches from the internet. I find I use the DS sap on it's own and also as a mixer but the Holbein, to me, almost always had to be mixed as it's unnaturally Limey. I can mix an easy lime/leaf green with a good neutral blue and yellow like phthalo blue (RS) and hansa yellow medium or pure yellow from Schmincke. I find the DS sap much more useful.
Daniel Smith Quin Burnt OrangeSchmincke Burnt SiennaDaniel Smith Burnt Sienna
As you can see, both first swatches are very orangy. I love the unique color of DS burnt sienna.
Asparagus Drawing

Anyway, on to the drawing part. I have five drawings that are looking for some paint today. They're all vying for first place and I'm having trouble choosing which to do. Hmmm... Eenie, meenie, minie mo. Catch a tiger by the toe.. (why did we ever want to catch a tiger by the toe, and what the heck does that have to do with choosing anything??). Maybe I'll just close my eyes, shuffle them like a deck of cards and point. How about alphabetical? That would mean the asparagus is up first. That's probably a good choice since I've painted "a-pair-a-guys" before and this would be a good warm up. Then on to the baby bok choy.

Did I tell you just how CUTE the baby bok choy is?? Seriously, I don't want to eat him, all I want to do is stare lovingly at him, he's so adorable. This is him next to my green pencil. I didn't know they made baby bok choys. He looks like someone put him in one of those shrinking machines in a sci-fi movie. I can almost hear him talking to me in a high squeaky voice. I mean, when you're put in a shrinking machine your voice always becomes akin to becoming a smurf, right?

Golden Beet Drawing
All this drawing and painting is brought to you by Delicious Paint, taught by the ever illustrious Tracey Fletcher King. She's our super hero over on Community Thrive, where the class is being held. YOU CAN STILL SIGN UP for a short period of time but there are only A FEW PLACES LEFT so hurry. You'd be crazy to miss this class, it's amazing, terrific and a super hero is teaching it. Seriously, you won't be behind and Trace teaches you easy ways to tackle drawing and seeing your subject better, watercolor basics and then even more advanced tricks and tips. She also gives lots of encouragement and answers any questions you have. She'll give suggestions on how to improve your painting if you want that too. I mean, when can you get such great help and support for only $55? You'd be CRAZY to turn down this deal. (BTW, I get no compensation for telling you how great Tracey's class is, I just know how much it's helping me and giving me motivation to paint everyday. I don't feel scared to pick up a paintbrush anymore. I don't know how she did that. Did I mention she's a super hero?)

Here's the rest of my drawings all awaiting paint. They're so patient. :o)
Baby Bok Choy DrawingTomatoes Drawing
Nectarines Drawing
Come back tomorrow to see what happens to the naked "a-pair-a-guys". Well that's an exciting title, isn't it? Hehehe.

Talk soon? More art? Bring chocolate? GOT IT!! :o)

(hey, why am I bringing the chocolate, I'm supplying the eye candy, right? maybe we should all just have a cuppa. Summer's almost upon us and I have love handles to loose. Ya, let's go with that. Later Gator!)

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1 comment:

  1. you are such an inspiration and your enthusiasm is contagious!


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