Sunday, June 14, 2015

A-Pair-A-Guys & A Baby

No! not the movie Three Men & A Baby, instead we have two asparagus and a baby bok choy!! Time to paint the veggies!! Are you getting sick of seeing all the produce in my fridge? I sure hope not because I have a bunch more drawn up awaiting paint.  Today I bring you baby bok choy and I know I also I promised you some guys. The last post these guys were naked but now they are dressed appropriately for the occasion. I wouldn't want to keep you waiting, so here they are!!

I think they're looking pretty darn good, all green and delicious. What we need is a hot pan and some butter, what'd ya think? That would work for the baby bok choy too. I hear they're delicious cut in half, steamed and drizzled with some asian sauces, oils and salt. I bet they'd also be good sautéed in butter too!! Can you tell I have a penchant for butter? 

Well, right now all the bok choy is wearing is paint. BUT my model is now in the crisper awaiting some love. I think I just might have baby bok choy for dinner tonight. That seems like punishment to the poor baby who was such a good model. But think of it this way, his JOB is to be delicious and nourish us. :o) Hooray for produce!

Baby Bok Choy
Ok, I gotta go paint some golden beets... or maybe it'll be the vine ripe tomatoes. Ohh, I almost forgot about the nectarines and the artichoke... Who wants to be painted first, put up your hand.



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1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your guys are dressed Jennifer... and looking mighty fine if you ask me.
    They look so healthy and tempting, which is good, because I thankfully have some in my crisper, so I don't have to dash to the grocer now.
    Baby bok choy looking yummy too. I fry mine with a little butter (a must) and sesame seed oil... add mushrooms and a little garlic an ginger plus a splash of soy sauce! Gorgeous 😋 and so quick too. X


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