Sunday, November 30, 2014

AEDM Day Thirty

The End. Yes, we reached the final day of November and I survived. As you all know, I also did Sketchbook Skool along with AEDM. It's been a ferocious, headlong rush toward December and I'm so glad to be taking a break. I've started buying all the trimmings for a good Christmas and I plan on wrapping presents in the next few days. Now that the stress of all that art is over, I'm finally feeling very festive indeed. I even intend to indulge in some NOG. My friend Tracey discovered her love of NOG last year, I wonder if she'll still love it this year? It's an acquired taste but if you love the NOG, you're addicted for life. This will be the first year in decades that I've allowed myself the fat and calories in even one glass of this ambrosia. I can't wait until Christmas Eve... I mean, Nog Eve. ;o)
On top of all that art, I actually finished my very first sketchbook today. I'm so thrilled to have a finished sketchbook under my proverbial belt. I know many artists finish sketchbooks in only a few months but this one took me over two years to complete. I'm thinking I'll be quicker now that I feel much more confident in my art journey.

Anyway, let me be the first one to wish you a Merry Christmas. I hope everyone who reads me has the best holiday season ever and that Santa is extra good to you. Hugs all around. The Artist's Playroom will begin again in January but you can still add your art whenever you want through December. I'll leave the linky open for the rest of the year. I'll be lurking and checking in (kinda like Santa) to see if you've all been doing lovely art. Take care.


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