Thursday, November 6, 2014

AEDM Day Seven

So I didn't post day five or six of Art Everyday month as I wanted to give the "Accidental Alchemist" book review due time for everyone to read it. I feel like when an author lets me read one of their books grata, I owe them a little up time on my blog. Anyway, I still posted with Leah's blog "Creative Everyday" where AEDM is being held every day, I just used my Flickr feed to do it. Here's what I posted in the last few days.

On day five I posted a Black Eyed Susan drawing that I have yet to color up. I have to admit my love of petals that curve and curl. My very favorite flower that does that is the cone flower but then I have to share the love, ya know? ;o)

Day Five AEDM
Now we get to day six. So far I'm thrilled that I'm actually keeping up daily with producing a piece of art. YAY! Anyway, I've wanted to paint up some of the girly things that sit on my desk so I decided to go all the way and do pink stuff, lol. I'm not usually a baby pink kinda girl but I have to admit, I really love this makeup brush holder. I got it a few years ago at Sephora. It's leather with the coolest snap off lid. I also decided to make this another piece of homework so I started with a contour drawing. The rule is you are not allowed to take the pen off the paper (only when switching objects can you pick up the pen).

Then I got in and painted it up. I decided to be a little more messy than usual, I'm trying to find my own style. I put the yellow in the background so I could use a lighter yellow to show the bottle is transparent. I'm really happy to see that it worked.

Ok, so now it's day seven and I decided to do an homage to my good friend Tracey Fletcher King who loves tea more than anyone I know. I try very hard to see what she sees but alas, I'm a coffee hound. That's not to say I don't love tea. I have a special love affair going with Twinnings Earl Grey so here's my little painted love letter to Earl Grey Tea. Yumm.

Yet another week of Sketchbook Skool starts in.... Hmmm... about an hour and a half. At midnight (Friday morning) the fourth week begins. Cathy Johnson is teaching this week and I can't wait to see what I'm going to learn. I'm off to wait with baited breath for the new class to begin. I know that many, many SBSers are waiting just like me. Maybe I'll go take that teabag that I used as a model and brew a nice cuppa.

We'll talk soon, K? Super! (I'm pretty sure there'll be art involved, lol)


If you're looking for this week's APR just click here.
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  1. I'm SO glad you posted these on your blog, because I'm not a member of Flickr. Although I admired each of these each day, I couldn't leave a comment. I am especially fond of today's entry. The tea pot and tea bags are wonderful. So different for those of us (like you and me) who drink coffee more than tea, but I love this. Thanks for posting these to your blog.

  2. another lovely sketch…excuse me while I go pour a spot of tea...


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