Saturday, November 10, 2012

AEDM - Day Ten & Eleven

No, I didn't post yesterday but YES, I did work on art. :o) I'm thinking this means that I didn't actually miss a day, I just didn't tell you guys about it. Hehehe. It's been a very hectic week, with writing several articles for FEATURING (Issue three is scheduled to go to the printers in a little over two weeks and be on the market for Christmas!!), keeping up with AEDM and all the other things of life, I'm exhausted. ;o) I haven't even had my requisite number of yummy hazelnut coffee today. WHAT is the world coming to??!?

I'm hoping you don't mind if this post is a little short. My mind seems to not have any funny anecdotes hanging around collecting dust this evening. Although, come to think of it, we did watch a REALLY funny Politically themed Just For Laughs. OMG, I've never laughed so hard. It was a welcome release after the tenseness felt even over the border in Canada as we watched the election run up to D-Day. Congratulations Mr. President, I'd have voted for you too. In fact, we were all discussing over here that when you're done your second term, Canada could use a smart, cogent leader for a while and it'd be like coasting after the trauma of eight years of Presidency. Think about it, we'll wait. :o)

Anyhoo, I started an in depth painting yesterday but then got bored and moved on to a fun piece in my moleskine. Here are the things I've been working on of late...

it will be a light pink cone flower (echinacea)
My New Mantra: Make Art!!
I'll be back tomorrow with more AEDM art, maybe I'll be inspired to finish the Echinacea, we'll see. If you'd like to see all my other pieces for Art Every Day Month, just click here. All my posts so far will come up in descending order.

If you're looking for The Artist's Play Room for this week, just click here and scroll down to the end of the post to read all about this week's theme, CHRISTMAS, and add your artwork to the Mr. Linky.
I'm reading: AEDM - Day Ten & ElevenTweet this Post


  1. I love your new mantra page! Such vibrant colours. Echinaceas are one of my favourite flowers. I love the way their petals droop.

  2. You always paint so well. And the echinacea is one of my favorites because it is one that I can get to grow year after year in my flower garden. I wait patiently for it to be finished.

  3. Wow Jenn, I love your paintings!
    Especially the echinacea..with that fantastic background.
    Your new mantra 'make art' certainly seems to be have an amazing collection with the AEDM challenge.

    I'm tired just reading what you've up to, never mind doing it!
    I'm looking forward to checking out all your entries because I know I'm going to be in for a treat.
    It all very inspiring so thank you for sharing ;D

    Chat again soon xoxo

  4. Love your mantra page and I am in love with your flowers (then again I'm a little flower obsessed). I'm going to go catch up on your other posts that I've missed.

  5. you are making gorgeous art... that moleskin is going to look so amazing... glad it is spurring you onto to many awesome pages... and I can't wait to see the cone flower finished... get painting girl
    T xx

  6. Hi Jenn, thanks for the lovely comment on my blog today. I don't have a working e-mail account at this time, so I can't really share one. I don't even have my comments sent to my e-mail, so would not read your comment unless it was on my blog. I use my blog exclusively for comments. I feel if it can be said in an e-mail, it can be said on my blog. And I've been told my e-mail bounces when I gave it out in the past. So, looks like I can't join your e-mail client list. Sorry.

    BTW, I NEVER EVER answer your questions or comments on MY blog, but on YOURS. I find that one should not have to come back to see the answer to your question, if you have one.

  7. Beautiful pages. I wandered around quiet a bit. I am followed you on twitter, so that I can come back and play in your playroom when things settle down.
    I hope you post more on the echinacea, I would love to see how it comes out. I am new to watercolor and I am LOVING it.

  8. Love both of these pieces, great background on the echinacea!

  9. Yep, you're sounding just a tad busy alright! It's nice to find time to do a little art in addition to all the other commitments - remember, it doesn't have to be done, just progress. :) Looks like some pretty starts....

  10. Beautiful flowers - filled with life and energy. Lovely to look at


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