Monday, September 13, 2010

Oh My, Tuesday Again???

Wow, I can't believe I not only missed last Tuesday's mosaic with Artmind but that it's Tuesday AGAIN!! Time sure does fly by. Lately I've been getting nothing done and dropping a lot of preverbal balls. I've been squirrelling waaay too much. Those of you who know me understand what I'm referring to. For those who are now looking a little confused, just click this link and read. I really do have to get a hold on myself, lol. :o) Here's my squirrel mosaic for this Tuesday. If you want to participate just go here, make your mosaic and post it on Mitsy's blog.

On another, completely different note... I've discovered a terrific baking company based in Victoria (B.C., Canada) that has branched out into making wonderful gluten free products. Yippee!! They make the only bread I've been able to find that tastes good. They also make lemon loaf cake and other flavors... but the bestest news is that they make chocolate chip cookies!!! Oh my, I'm so happy I could do a jig. The company is called Portofino Bakery and I talked to one of the owners today. He said they will be adding other gluten free products like muffins to their repetoire soon and they already sell gluten free pizza crusts to Villages Pizza!! This find will make living with gluten sensitivities so much easier. Yay. :o)

We'll talk soon, K? I'll bring the cookies, now that I can have them again! :o)

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