Thursday, September 16, 2010

Game Play

I've been tagged by Kim of Kimminita. Now I'm "IT" and I have to answer several questions about me to let you know me better. Then I tag four other unsuspecting bloggers. Hehehe. This game of tag started all the way across the water, as Kim lives in the Neatherlands. Isn't it fun that one can get to know so many widespread people because we all blog?

Here we go!

4 Things in my Purse:
♥ Three different kinds of lip gloss because I'm addicted to it.
♥ A mirror for applying the lip gloss. ;o)
♥ An antique handkerchief with my initial embroidered on it.
♥ A plastic cork screw. Just in case some day I need to open a bottle of wine on the fly. Ya, don't ask me.

4 Things in my Desk:
♥ A ziplock bag of AAA and AA rechargeable batteries and a little recharger. I hate not having batteries ready when I need them.
♥ A lime green laptop vacuum with USB plug. It works great to keep the keyboard free of crumbs!
♥ 1001 kinds of pens. I have to go through those and "Thin the Herd". Hehehe.
♥ Lots of bookmark sized pieces of watercolor paper. When I cut down larger pieces of paper there's always little off cuts left over and I keep them for future bookmarks. Can you say compulsive??

4 Favorite Things in my Bedroom:
♥ The new tree with blowing leaves wall decal that just arrived and was hung today. WOW!
♥ The luxurious decorative pillows all over my bed.
♥ My art shelves where I keep all my supplies totally organized.
♥ My own bathroom. My room's a suite, it's so nice not to have to share a bathroom with anyone.

4 Things I Always Wanted to Do (but haven't yet):
♥ Learn to do calligraphy. I'm fascinated by cursive and other beautiful lettering.
♥ Take self defense of martial art lessons.
♥ Learn about the world by experiencing it. I'd love to visit Paris, Scotland, England, Hawaii and Rome.
♥ I want to swim in a warm ocean, like go down to one of the Caribbean islands and immerse myself in both the water and their culture for a couple of months.

4 Things I Enjoy Very Much at the Moment:
♥ Painting.
♥ Meeting new people in the blogging community.
♥ Learning about the limits of my artistic ability and new techniques.
♥ A good cup of coffee.

4 Songs I Can't Get Out of My Head:
♥ "You Are My Sunshine" because I sing it to my parrot at bedtime so she knows it's sleeping time.
♥ "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga... who knows why stuff gets stuck up there.
♥ "Amazing Grace". It was my grandfather's favorite song so sometimes it pops into my head for no reason and I know he's "around". :o)
♥ "Jingle Bells"... I always start to think of Christmas as September rolls around. I'm definitely an early bird, but I just love the season so much.

4 Things you Don't Know About Me:
♥ I can whistle extraordinarily well. I can even keep up with my parrot!
♥ When I was nine I entered a coloring contest and won 1000 tulip bulbs.
♥ I think ducks are one of the cutest animals on the planet, their orange feet make me laugh. They're like God's comic relief.
♥ I know how to play the ukulele and was really good when I was in grade school.

Ok, now I'm tagging four people...
  1. Tracy of Pen & Paper
  2. Star from Star, Simplified
  3. Jessica of My Scrappy Corner
  4. Nancy from Blissed-Out Grandma
I'll be back soon with new art for show & tell. Later peoples!

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