Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Pretty Little Tree...

New stuff! I've been working hard and have a bunch of paintings to show. The three I'll show tonight are the ones from a few posts back where I was working on learning backgrounds. The paintings are now finished. :o) I'm so thrilled with them! The first one was done using both Pen & Ink and watercolors. I've named it Orange Marmalade.

I absolutely love the contrast of the background blue with the bright orange color of the flower. I feel like I'm finally understanding how to not only create a successful background, but also how to combine it with a strong foreground picture to produce a winningly lovely painting. My art is becoming much more deliberate thought and execution instead of hit and miss plodding.

This second painting is aptly named "The Tree". It's also both watercolor and Pen & Ink drawing. I darkened the background of this one, just as I'd predicted I would have to. It was just too wishy-washy to stand up against the tree. I'm happy with how the branching came out, that's the part I was the most worried about.

My final inclusion into tonight's artfest is a whimsical piece done just in watercolors. I named this one "Elipsis". Those of you who achieved wonderful marks in your English classes in University may remember that elipsis are those little dots one uses to omit words off the end of a sentence, like this...  I thought it was an appropriate name for a painting made up of big dots. :o)

So, I look forward to your comments, I have a new comment program and this'll be the first time it will (hopefully) work. It will allow me to comment back to you lovely people. Won't that be special? Yes, I thought so too! I have a whole plethora of artwork in various stages of doneness so I should be back quite a few times this coming week with yummy new pieces of art. I'm also seriously thinking of finally opening my Etsy store, after one more prolific week I think I'll have enough stuff to adequetaly stock my "shelves". :o)

I wonder how much I should sell an original painting for?? Hmmm. We'll talk soon, I think it's gonna be a spectacular week!

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