Sunday, July 4, 2010

Now You See Me...

Really quick post to show what the latest zentangle would look like with the bubbles colored in. I got this terrific tip from Kim of Kimminita. She suggested that I photocopy the artwork so I can test color in the bubbles. Brilliant idea! It made me realize that I already had it on the computer so I could just use my paint program and add color to the picture of the art. :o)

Everyone who commented liked it without color added and I thought that I agreed... until I actually saw it with color. Hmmmm. Now I'm really confused! I like them both, hehehehe. I guess I need NEW comments on the colored version. Actually, I could use comments anyways as I'm trying out a new comment platform. Please tell me if it's easy to use. I'm hoping it allows me to REPLY to your lovely comments!! Won't that be nice? I thought so too. Ok, so here's the computer modified artwork zentangle.

I'll be back soon with a terrific mosaic this week. It's theme week with the flickr favorites mosaic this week so I can't wait to show mine off!

Talk soon, K? Thanks, you guys are so great!

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