Friday, July 23, 2010

Flotsam & Jetsam Retread

I have a bunch of little stuff to post about so I thought I'd chuck it all into the "stockpot" and see what kind of soup we can make. First, here are a few bookmarks I've been fiddling with. The left and right ones are Zentangles on one side and an abstract watercolor that I cut up on the other. The middle one started as a practice background that was crying out for the addition of a subject and then I zentangled the back of it. 

How much should I charge for a bookmark?? I was thinking something in the range of $8-$10. Do you think that's too much or to little or just right? (Jeez, now I sound like Goldilocks! Hehehe.) Should I add tassels to them? Do you all like tassels on your bookmarks? I'd love it if you'd leave suggestions in the comments section. Ooh, I'm giving you guys jobs! ;o)

The second thing I wanted to mention is my number of followers. Did you notice that I'm getting close to 100 followers?? Ya! Me too!! I can't believe it. I'm so thrilled. I love my followers (all you people are so great!), so I certainly think it's appropriate that I do a 100 follower giveaway. I'm thinking a painting, some handmade earrings or maybe even a bracelet, a bookmark... maybe a sketchbook with a drawing pencil to inspire the artist inside us all. (Post Script: I'm now AT 100, wow!! Now I gotta get on that giveaway... I take suggestions on what you'd all like to win!)

I'll give the prizes some thought this weekend. OH! I have another question, since you'all will be commenting about the bookmarks anyway. If you were to purchase a piece of art from me at my Etsy store, what size would you be more apt to want? I am trying to decide what sizes to do usually so I can have matting for a couple of sizes on hand at all times. I want to do 5"x7" for sure, with matting the pieces would be 8"x10". The other size I was thinking of is 9"x12", with matting it would be  12"x16". Is that too small?? Should I do 12"x16" then with matting it would be 16"x20"? The question that goes with the larger size is: would you pay for shipping of $15 with that because of the size?? Anyways, I appreciate all your input. Seriously. Thank you. 

We'll talk soon, K? 
I'm reading: Flotsam & Jetsam RetreadTweet this Post
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