Friday, May 7, 2010

Sunshine Award

Emma from Emmanem Handmade honored me with the Sunshine Award. Here's the lovely explanation about why this award is given.
 "The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blogging world." 
Emma went on to say that she "loves my writing" and thinks I'm "an amazing artist". Well... I think that's probably one of the nicest things anyone ever said to me. :o) Thank you, Emma, for the wonderful words. It really helps to hear how other's like what you're saying. The whole amazing artist thing just makes me feel very humble (and makes me blush!). Thank you again!

Now, the requirements of the award...

1. Put the logo on your blog within your post.
2. Pass the award on to 7 
3. Link to the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and the link to the person who gave you the award.

#1 & 5 are done. Now, seven bloggers who inspire me (and their links, of course... you'll just have to trust that I went and commented on their blogs.) ;o)
  1. Kim at Kimminita - This woman makes the most wonderful mandalas. Her art inspires me all the time. I also love her spirit. 
  2. Tracy at Pen & Paper - She inspires me to blog happy. Sometimes I forget that just because I write about my art, my blog doesn't ONLY have to be art. She reminds me, just by creating such a happy place to visit. I also think she's such a down to earth soul.
  3. Emily at Art & Sewl - I'm new to her blog but love the color and style of it. She also hosts the "Let Your Art Guide You" round up every week on Thursdays and I love the premise behind this idea.
  4. Elizabeth at Color Splashes - This woman's art is incredibly inspiring to me. She is the kind of painter I aspire to emulate. She's prolific and paints in many different styles. 
  5. Allie at Hyperbole And A Half - I couldn't not mention Allie. Her blog totally inspires me to be irreverent and remember to have fun with my blog. Thanks Allie.
  6. Candyn at In A Tiny House - I'm new to her blog, I happily got her as a partner in a swap from Swapbot. I really love her blog "voice". That, and her spunk, which you can see in her latest post. ;o)
  7. My final pick goes to  a blog with the best name ever! Jamie Oliver Is Not My Boyfriend - I fell in love with this blogger's sense of humor just by reading here "About Me"... and I lovvvvveee her recipes. 
That's it, folks. I'll be back soon with zentangle art. I'm working on a larger piece and already have a 5x7" done. (...then ther's the yellow rose... ya, still working on that!)

Can we talk later? Thanks!
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  1. You are so welcome! Keep up the good work :)

  2. Well deserved, I love to visit your blog. Many thanks for the award and for your kind words, I'm so glad to have you as a blogger buddy.

  3. Hey, thank you! How sweet. I didn't have your blog in the swap and am now just discovering it. What a treasure. I am definitely going to follow you and can't wait to read through some of your older posts. :0)


Please leave me a comment, I've sure missed hearing from you!


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