Wednesday, May 12, 2010

a Rose By Any Other Name... Is Freaking Awesome!!!

Hello peoples. You know, when I mentioned the other day, that I was in a little fight with a yellow rose that didn't want to be painted and I insisted? Ya.
Jen - 1
Rose - 0
I'm pushy like that. I finished it on Saturday afternoon, just in time for Mother's Day. The timing is perfect, since my mom's very favorite flower is the yellow rose. She liked it so much that we went out that very Sunday and got a frame for it. Did you want to see it? You do?? Ok. Just because you asked so nicely and all... TADA!!!!!!!!

Kinda nice.
(Jen is dancing around the room, doing a little celebratory jig)
Gee, I'm not sure I like it. ;o)  Hehehe.
I can't believe it's only been 3 months since I started painting. I'm thrilled with my progress and can't wait to see where I'll go from here.

So, now I want to paint roses until they're proverbially coming out my ears. But I'm going to restrain myself. I may choose a lily or a peony or even a bunch of tulips again. Prolly a rose, though, hehehe. At a minimum I think I'll draw some out.

I realized something while I was painting this yellow rose, which I'm naming "Torino", if you wondered. I was splashing paint and water fairly haphazardly around and thinking, "how can this be artistic?". I mean, everyone could do this, push paint around on paper. Then it came to me. "The Artist" isn't in hand to paper, it's not in the movement of brush. "The Artist" is in the mind. It's the way I see the rose that is artistic in nature. "The Artist" is in the way I interpret what I see and how I combine color in my mind. The swishing of brush only plays in technique. I mean, don't get me wrong, it takes skill to move a brush around and to make your arm do what you want it to do to achieve your goal. But if I could never paint again I would still be an artist. It's who I am. I would just have to find another way of expressing what happens in my mind.

Anyway, enough of this solipsism, I'll be back soon with other interesting things to pique your interest.
We'll talk later, K? Ya, I knew you'd agree. ;o)

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  1. AMAZING!!! What a perfect frame to complement your work. I'm so glad that your mom love it. Well, I mean how could she not love it.

  2. Very nice! It's great that your painting is progressing so well and so quickly.

  3. Beautiful - you've come a long way already! Nice to meet you here ;)

  4. The painting is fabulous!! Absolutely stunning!!

  5. "But if I could never paint again I would still be an artist. It's who I am. I would just have to find another way of expressing what happens in my mind."

    You said that so well. Wow. And your painting is beautiful!

  6. The painting is so good...coming over from BPOTW

    My Yatra Diary...

  7. I have yellow roses in my garden too. They are such a bright beautiful color. I've come to decide that white and yellow show up best against the darkness of the green garden. Still, I have to have all colors. Is this watercolor? Nice work.


Please leave me a comment, I've sure missed hearing from you!


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