Thursday, May 13, 2010

Artist Journal Pages

I'm having a fellow artist make me a scrapbooked artist's journal. The artist's name is Jessica and her blog is The Scrappy Corner. I first met Jess from Swap-Bot and immediately loved her blog. Until perusing her scrapbook pages I had never really understood why someone would take so much time to do scrapbooking. Her wonderfully expressive style explained it all.

She and I got talking and I mentioned that I wished I had a decorated artist's journal. I could add ideas and clipped out art to it and use it as a brainstorming book. At the moment, I lamented, I had little piles of paper lying around haphazardly with nowhere to put them. She offered to make me some pages if I wanted and that's where this whole artist journal idea was born. I bought some cool papers and some chipboard (thin cardboard) pages with binder rings and I sent it to her along with a bunch of digital pictures of ideas and "looks" I liked. She'll use her expertise in scrapbooking and her artistic, creative eye to make me an artist's journal that I can then add my future artwork ideas to. I'm so excited!

Yes, I could have made the book myself. But there are so many reasons to have Jess make it for me. Here are my top reasons why I'm not doing it myself.

  1. Jess is a very talented and creative artist.
  2. It's like a birthday present to myself. (My birthday is this Sunday, May 16th... and so is Jess's, for that matter. A neat coincidence.)
  3. It'll be nice to see someone else's work and use that as a jumping off point.
  4. I don't have any of the expertise, experience or tools to do a good job without much time, effort and expense.
  5. I don't want to.
  6. I'm too lazy.
  7. I'm waaaaayyy to busy with my own art.
  8. Just because, that's why!
I'm really excited to watch the progress of my book. If you want to watch too, just go on over to Jess's terrific blog, follow her and watch her get her artistic freak on. Ahhh, such fun when we artist's work together. I'll have to post pictures after it arrives and I've altered some of the pages with my clippings and future painting ideas. What fun to look forward to!

I'm out. Later?  ;o)
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  1. Just because - a good enough reason in itself. Happy birthday for tomorrow.

  2. I'm so happy and excited about working on this project for you. And, I know you feel the same way. I hope everyone enjoys viewing the progress and completion of this journal. :)


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